


In my program, it gets MP4 video in, and I want it to output a MP3 (without any server-side stuff.) Since Android (and my app) needs to run on many different hardware configurations, this means I probably cannot use FFMPEG. I know this may be very battery and processing power intensive, especially for a mobile phone, but I need this option for my users. I cannot find any native libraries for Java that don't use FFMPEG.


我看不出有什么问题,FFMPEG,因为显然它运行在Debian支持11 架构。只有不支持的体系结构显然是m68k的,其他都是旧版本在港口FreeBSD内核,或者赫德内核。而从我所知道的Andr​​oid,事实上,它是基于ARM不会很快改变。​​

I see little problem with FFMPEG, since apparently it runs on 11 architectures supported by Debian. Only architecture not supported is apparently m68k, others are old versions in ports to FreeBSD kernel, or Hurd kernel. And from what I know of Android, fact that it's based on ARM isn't going to change any time soon.

当然,有可能是与各国的母语code Java包装的一些问题。是这个问题?我不是一个Android也不是Java程序员,但我敢肯定,你可以检测平台和动态加载适当的本机包装。

Of course, there could be some issues with Java wrappers around native code. Is that the issue? I'm not an Android nor a Java programmer, but I'm sure you can detect the platform and dynamically load appropriate native wrapper.


