







  @覆盖保护无效的onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState){    super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);    的setContentView(R.layout.startup);    startService(新意图(StartupActivity.this,SamcomService.class));    registerReceiver(connectionReceiver,新的IntentFilter(STARTUP_PROGRESS_MESSAGE));    registerReceiver(connectionReceiver,新的IntentFilter(STARTUP_FINISH));    最后Button按钮=(按钮)findViewById(R.id.buttonExit);    button.setOnClickListener(新View.OnClickListener(){        公共无效的onClick(视图v){            完();        }    });} 







预告来了 2021年国家网络安全宣传周上杭活动从今天开始

没有,我知道这是混乱的,但startService()方法不会启动该服务。它将在服务调用的每次你运行它。举例来说,如果服务没有启动,它会启动它,然后运行它。如果该服务已启动,它只是运行它。 Android的文件说,它的目的是通过这种方式,使得startService()方法是与您的服务进行通信的最简单的方法。



这取决于您的服务在同一个进程,你的活动或没有运行。如果你有:工艺=在清单中的服务宣言东西,而你做了一切完美,服务是另一个进程,并有只有三个situiations inwhich您的服务将被销毁。 1,您的活动被销毁(几乎肯定无法发生,因为你的进程有其积极的活动优先); 2,有极低的内存,3个服务调用selfStop()。


I am trying to figure out how Android works when it comes to lifecycle issues.

I have decided to have a long-running Service to hold my TCP-connections and other stuff.

I have one Activity, StartupActivity. That Activity starts a service, and then I press a button to Finish the Activity. I then launch the same app/Activity again, and thus the startService is executed again.

However, I expected the Service to still be alive (there has been no onDestroy called), but the onCreate-method in the Service is still being executed.


STEP 1: onCreate in StartupActivit is executed:

protected void onCreate(android.os.Bundle savedInstanceState) 

    startService(new Intent(StartupActivity.this, SamcomService.class));
    registerReceiver(connectionReceiver, new IntentFilter("STARTUP_PROGRESS_MESSAGE"));
    registerReceiver(connectionReceiver, new IntentFilter("STARTUP_FINISH"));

    final Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.buttonExit);
    button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

STEP 2: I press the button, and Activity.finish() is called (I am returned to the home screen)

STEP 3: I launch the app again, and the onCreate for the Activity is once more executed, thus starting the same Service

Now, when I start the app the second time the Service should be running (how do I check that?). I havent seen the Toast that is displayed when the Service onDestroy is called, and I also see the Notification that the Service creates (and removes onDestroy).

However, the onCreate is executed a second time. Do I now have more than one Service running at the same time?


However, the onCreate is executed a second time. Do I now have more than one Service running at the same time?

No, and I know this is confusing, but the startService() method does not start the service. It will be called in the service everytime you run it. For instance, if the service isn't started, it will start it and then run it. If the service is started, it will just run it. The android documentation says it was designed this way so that the startService() method is the easiest way to communicate with your service.

STEP 2: I press the button, and Activity.finish() is called (I am returned to the home screen)

This depends on if your service is running on the same process as your activity or not. If you have :process = "something" in your service declaration in the manifest, and you did everything else perfectly, the service is in another process and there are only three situiations inwhich your service will be destroyed. 1, your activity is destroyed(Almost guaranteed not to happen as your process has its activities active priority), 2, There is EXTREMELY low memory, 3 the service calls selfStop().

Since finish() does not destroy your app(Android keeps it around in memory encase the user comes back to it), your service is either just paused(If it was in the same process) or still running(If it was in a different process). Regardless another call to startService() will restart it if it was paused and run the service's startService method. You only ever have one of your services around.


