
由网友(采菇凉的尛蘑菇丶)分享简介:我们怎样才能使一个功​​能,依赖于日期的东西验收/集成测试会怎么样?How can we make an acceptance/integration test on a feature that depends on date something happens?为了简单起见,我们假设这样的特征:我们监视的文件夹...


How can we make an acceptance/integration test on a feature that depends on date something happens?


For simplicity, let's assume this feature: we monitor a folder, and add items to a ListView corresponding to the received file. The colour of the listview item will depend on the date it is received. Say, if it's received on sunday, the colour is red, monday, it's blue, etc.


How can we make an test code on this feature without needing a week to run? Should the test code modify system date (But I'm afraid this will cause weirdness in the testing framework and report)? For information, the application is a .net and the developer uses DateTime.Now to get the receive time.


Note that this is not a unit test, this is an acceptance test that mimics the user interaction.


您将不得不使用一个假的框架,可以存根什么DateTime.Now返回而不需要一个接口。如 TypeMock 否则,您可以创建你有更多的控制自己的Date对象伪造(这是在这种情况不太理想,因为它只是正在做测试你的code) 否则,你可以创建一个具有GetCurrentDate方法,你可以存根类。在您的督促落实,你可以用DateTime.Now,但在您的测试,你可以存根出来,使其返回任何日期你想要的。 这可能是最好的解决办法IMO

You will have to use a Fake Framework that can stub what DateTime.Now returns without needing an interface. Like TypeMock Otherwise, you could create your own Date object that you have more control over faking (this is less desirable in this case as it is only being done to test your code) Otherwise, you could create a class that has a GetCurrentDate method that you can stub. In your prod implementation you can use DateTime.Now, but in your test, you can stub it out so that it returns whatever date you want. This is probably the best solution IMO


However, this will not test the full, true implementation and is more of a unit test. If you are indeed talking about end to end integration testing, then yes, you will need to modify the system time.


