volatile 变量作为函数的参数变量、函数、参数、volatile

由网友(太平洋上空的云)分享简介:拥有此代码:typedef volatile int COUNT; COUNT functionOne( COUNT *number );int functionTwo( int *number );我无法摆脱一些警告..I can't get rid of some warnings..我在 fu...


typedef volatile int COUNT;       

COUNT functionOne( COUNT *number );

int  functionTwo( int *number );


I can't get rid of some warnings..

我在 functionOne 原型中收到此警告 1

I get this warning 1 at functionOne prototype

[警告] 类型限定符被忽略函数返回类型

[Warning] type qualifiers ignored on function return type

我得到这个警告 2,无论我用 COUNT pointer 参数而不是 int 指针来调用 functionTwo

and I get this warning 2, wherever I call functionTwo with a COUNT pointer argument instead of an int pointer

[警告] cast 丢弃限定符从指针目标类型

[Warning] cast discards qualifiers from pointer target type


obviously variables/pointers can't be "cast" to volatile/un-volatile.. but every arguments must be specified as volatile too? so how can I use any library function if it's already defined for non-volatile variable?

编辑:使用 gcc -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes …

编辑:根据 Jukka Suomela 的建议,这是警告二的代码示例

EDIT: After Jukka Suomela advice this is a code sample for warning two

typedef volatile int COUNT;       

static int functionTwo(int *number) {
    return *number + 1;

int main(void) {
    COUNT count= 10;
    count = functionTwo(&count);
    return 0;


volatile 关键字旨在应用于表示存储的对象而不是函数.从函数返回 volatile int 没有多大意义.函数的返回值不会被优化掉(内联函数可能例外,但这完全是另一种情况......),并且没有外部参与者会修改它.当函数返回时,它会将返回值的副本传递给调用函数.volatile 对象的副本本身不是 volatile.因此,尝试返回 volatile int 将导致复制,将其转换为非易失性 int,这是触发编译器消息的原因.返回 volatile int* 可能有用,但不是 volatile int.

The volatile keyword was designed to be applied to objects that represent storage and not to functions. Returning a volatile int from a function does not make much sense. The return value of a function will not be optimized away (with the possible exception of inlined functions, but that's another case altogether...), and no external actor will be modifying it. When a function returns, it passes a copy of the return value to the calling function. A copy of a volatile object is not itself volatile. Therefore, attempting to return a volatile int will result in a copy, casting it down to a non-volatile int, which is what is triggering your compiler messages. Returning a volatile int* might be useful, but not a volatile int.

将对象按值传递给函数会生成对象的副本,因此使用 volatile int 作为函数参数必然涉及忽略限定符的转换.通过地址传递 volatile 是完全合理的,但不是通过值.

Passing an object by value into a function makes a copy of the object, thus using a volatile int as a function parameter necessarily involves a conversion that ignores a qualifier. Passing a volatile by address is perfectly reasonable, but not by value.

根据 C 规范,volatile 的行为完全依赖于实现,因此是 YMMV.

According to the C spec, the behavior of volatile is completely implementation-dependent, so YMMV.

您是否以这种方式使用 volatile 来尝试破坏某种编译器优化?如果是这样,可能有更好的方法来做到这一点.

Are you using volatile in this way to try to defeat some sort of compiler optimization? If so, there is probably a better way to do it.

考虑到您的问题的更新,您似乎可以以不同的方式解决这个问题.如果您试图阻止编译器优化,为什么不采取直接的方法并简单地告诉编译器不要优化某些东西呢?您可以使用 #pragma GCC 优化__attribute__((optimize)) 为函数提供特定的优化参数.例如,__attribute__((optimize(0))) 应该禁用给定函数的所有优化.这样,您可以使您的数据类型保持非易失性并避免您遇到的类型问题.如果禁用所有优化有点过多,您还可以使用该属性/pragma 打开或关闭单个优化选项.

Taking into account the updates to your question, it appears that you may be able to approach this in a different way. If you are trying to defeat compiler optimizations, why not take the direct approach and simply tell the compiler not to optimize some things? You can use #pragma GCC optimize or __attribute__((optimize)) to give specific optimization parameters for a function. For example, __attribute__((optimize(0))) should disable all optimizations for a given function. That way, you can keep your data types non-volatile and avoid the type problems you are having. If disabling all optimizations is a bit too much, you can also turn individual optimization options on or off with that attribute/pragma.


I was able to compile the following code without any warnings or errors:

static int functionTwo(int *number) {
    return *number + 1;

typedef union {
                int i;
    volatile    int v;
} fancy_int;

int main(void) {
    fancy_int count;
    count.v = 10;
    count.v = functionTwo(&count.i);
    return 0;

这个hack技术"可能有一些奇怪的副作用,所以在生产使用之前彻底测试它.这很可能与直接将地址转换为 (int*) 没有什么不同,但它不会触发任何警告.

This hack"technique" probably has some kind of odd side-effects, so test it thoroughly before production use. It's most likely no different than directly casting the address to a (int*), but it doesn't trigger any warnings.


