Android平台PhoneGap的应用程序 - 让应用程序运行应用程序、平台、Android、PhoneGap

由网友(我会一直笑°)分享简介:我有一个PhoneGap的应用程序,其功能是为特定人群的通信服务。使用上的PhoneGap,插件GitHub的页面,我已经实现通知到应用程序中发现的本地通知插件,以便每当有人收到一封新邮件,通知就会出现,如果应用程序是在后台。I have a Phonegap app that functions as a comm...


I have a Phonegap app that functions as a communication service for a specific group of people. Using the local notification plugin found on the phonegap-plugins GitHub page, I have implemented notifications into the app, so that whenever someone receives a new message, a notification will appear if the app is in the background.


After about an hour, though, no more notifications will occur, and it appears the process was killed. When I go back into the app, it starts completely over instead of resuming from where I last left off. I'm assuming that after a certain amount of time, Android stopped running the app in the background.


Does anyone know how to keep the app running in the background until it is told by the user to stop, and prevent Android from killing the process?



As CommonsWare suggests, you could write a dummy service to keep your app alive, but also as he rightly suggests, if you're going to go to the effort of writing a native dummy service, you may as well write the actual service natively and have done with it.


As a bit of a quick and dirty solution, you could maybe use a partial wakelock (see here) to keep the CPU running your app while it's in the background.

我成功地用这种方法来保持我的 PhoneGap的基础散步导航应用活着的背景,使他们能够继续接收和处理位置更新。

I successfully used this approach to keep my Phonegap-based walk navigation apps alive in the background so they can continue to receive and process position updates.


In your case, staying alive to receive notifications isn't exactly what a partial wakelock was intended for and so I'm unsure whether android will kill your app anyway after a while since it's not doing anything (unlike mine which is constantly receiving and processing position updates) but it might do the job without needing to write a service, so may be worth a try.

有一个在我的answer这个问题其中包含我的code代表的电源管理选项的插件为Android 。我更新了插件的使用与科尔多瓦2.8.0而且还扩展到能够获得部分wakelock。

Have a look at my answer to this question which contains my code for an updated version of the PowerManagement plugin for Android. I updated the plugin for use with Cordova 2.8.0 but also extended it to be able to acquire a partial wakelock.


