选中和取消选中 Qt 上的 QRadioButton 颜色更改颜色、Qt、QRadioButton

由网友(得知你过得不好我便安心了)分享简介:我正在尝试将选中和取消选中的单选按钮的颜色更改为QtStylesheet: 仔细.它描述了您所需要的一切.它甚至几乎描述你的情况,唯一的区别是图像而不是颜色.您的案例的样式表如下:QRadioButton {背景颜色:灰色;白颜色;}QRadioButton::indicator {宽度:10px;高度:10px;边框...

我正在尝试将选中和取消选中的单选按钮的颜色更改为QtStylesheet: 仔细.它描述了您所需要的一切.它甚至几乎描述你的情况,唯一的区别是图像而不是颜色.


QRadioButton {背景颜色:灰色;白颜色;}QRadioButton::indicator {宽度:10px;高度:10px;边框半径:7px;}QRadioButton::indicator:checked {背景颜色:红色;边框:2px 纯白色;}QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked {背景颜色:黑色;边框:2px 纯白色;}

i am trying to change the color of radiobutton on selected and deselected as QtStylesheet :Qt Stylesheet

but In this link it only refer to Loading a Image but how could I change it color and without loading Image and change border color or styling radiobutton

the requirement is attached in the Image :


Read documentation carefully. It describes all you need. It even almost described your case, the only difference is images instead of colours.

Style sheet for your case is like this:

QRadioButton {
    background-color:       gray;
    color:                  white;

QRadioButton::indicator {
    width:                  10px;
    height:                 10px;
    border-radius:          7px;

QRadioButton::indicator:checked {
    background-color:       red;
    border:                 2px solid white;

QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked {
    background-color:       black;
    border:                 2px solid white;


