
由网友(我知道你会找到我)分享简介:在它通过HTTP下载许多文件并行的应用程序,我想使网络连接的最佳利用,而不使其超越了它的极限,并获得超时。 In an application which downloads many documents over http in parallel, I would like to make optimal use...


In an application which downloads many documents over http in parallel, I would like to make optimal use of the network connection, without pushing it beyond its limits and getting timeouts.


I am thinking this has to do with congestion control. Perhaps a gradual increase in request frequency, until the network connection appears to be overburdened, followed by a slight drop in request frequency, followed by continuous monitoring to adjust the rate.


The bit I'm having trouble with is how best to detect the overburdened network condition. If I were to measure the time between issuing a request and the beginning of the response, that would effectively give me a round trip time. If the average of this time increases significantly then we have an overburdened network. I wonder what 'significantly' should mean in this case.


Does this sound about right? Can you shed any more light on this problem? Anyone out there coded this scenario?


I have tagged this question .net because that is the framework I'm using, and if there is framework support for this scenario, then I'd like to know.

修改 为了澄清,我说的多台主机在这里,应用程序只有一个实例。我已经有一个适当的系统,以避免到同一服务器(请求交付端到端)同时连接,因此,问题不在于如何饱和管(我知道如何做到这一点),但如何的最好的限制请求,以避免超时错误。

EDIT To clarify, I am talking about many hosts here, and only one instance of the application. I already have in place a system to avoid simultaneous connections to the same server (requests are delivered end to end), so the question is not so much how to saturate the pipe (I know how to do this), but how best to limit requests so as to avoid timeout errors.



Thanks Nemo. I implemented your suggestion of monitoring bandwidth with a moving average. I use this value to adjust a value representing target number of outstanding requests. I orchestrate the issuing of new requests such as to tend towards this moving target.


Someone also suggested using a bandwidth-limiting proxy.


