






如果我更改绑定的 transferMode 属性的缓冲的,我没有得到的错误,但我回到我的具有关代理块,直到该服务操作完成的原始问题

任何帮助将是很大的AP preciated。


[OperationContract的(名称=LoadNewDataset,IsOneWay =真)

// WCF配置片段:
  < NetTcpBinding的>
             transferMode =流媒体>
    < /装订>
  < / NetTcpBinding的>
< /绑定>


  bindingConfiguration =NetTcpStreamBindingNAME =DataImportEndpoint

  < NetTcpBinding的>
    <绑定名称=DataImportEndpointcloseTimeout =00:10:00openTimeout =00:01:00
      receiveTimeout =00:10:00的SendTimeout =00:10:00transferMode =流媒体
      hostNameComparisonMode =StrongWildcardmaxBufferPoolSize =524288
      maxBufferSize =5242880maxReceivedMessageSize =5242880>
      < readerQuotas MAXDEPTH =32maxStringContentLength =65536maxArrayLength =16384
        maxBytesPerRead =4096maxNameTableCharCount =16384/>
        <交通运输clientCredentialType =窗口的ProtectionLevel =EncryptAndSign/>
      < /安全>
    < /装订>


    <端点地址=的net.tcp://本地主机:8001 / AdroitWcf / DataImportService
      绑定=NetTcpBinding的bindingConfiguration =DataImportEndpoint
      合同=AdroitServiceReference.IDataImportServiceNAME =DataImportEndpoint>
    < /端点>

解决方案 基于 Socket 的 UDP 和 TCP 编程介绍



无效ShutItDown(对象数据){   VAR代理=(的proxyType)的数据;   proxy.Close(); }

I'm trying to implement a fire-and-forget pattern in a WCF method. I have this working in my local environment, but running into an issue when running on IIS7.

I'm using net.tcp binding, and discovered that even when using a one-way call with this binding, closing the proxy will block the UI (in this case an asp.net website) until the operation completes. I changed the transfer mode to streamed so that closing the proxy will not cause a wait, as suggested in this article.

As I mentioned, this is working when I run on localhost, but when I deploy to IIS7, I'm getting this error as soon as i hit the page which utilizes the contract method:

"Framing mode Singleton is not supported."

If I change the binding's transferMode attribute to 'Buffered', I don't get the error, but I'm back to my original problem of having closing the proxy block until the service operation completes

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My Code:

// Operation Contract
[OperationContract(Name = "LoadNewDataset", IsOneWay = true)]
void LoadDataset(Workspace workspace, Connection connection, string dataSetName);

// WCF Config snippets:
    <binding name="NetTcpStreamBinding" 


<endpoint address="DataImportService" binding="netTcpBinding"
  bindingConfiguration="NetTcpStreamBinding" name="DataImportEndpoint"
  contract="MediaBrands.Adroit.WCF.IDataImportService" />

//Website web.config 
    <binding name="DataImportEndpoint" closeTimeout="00:10:00" openTimeout="00:01:00"
      receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:10:00" transferMode="Streamed"
      hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" maxBufferPoolSize="524288"
      maxBufferSize="5242880" maxReceivedMessageSize="5242880">
      <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="65536" maxArrayLength="16384"
        maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />
      <security mode="Transport">
        <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" protectionLevel="EncryptAndSign" />


    <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:8001/AdroitWcf/DataImportService"
      binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="DataImportEndpoint"
      contract="AdroitServiceReference.IDataImportService" name="DataImportEndpoint">


This is because your security mode is Message. The connection needs to wait until the InstanceContext is done to send the cancellation token to end the secure session.

Try setting the security mode to None or Transport (depending on your needs). Alternatively, you can pass the proxy to ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ShutItDown, proxy) with some code that looks something like this:

void ShutItDown(object data){ var proxy = (ProxyType) data; proxy.Close(); }


