
由网友(骑着草泥马环游世界)分享简介:我要创建动态负载在Silverlight列表框的项目。I want to create dynamic load for items in Silverlight Listbox.当用户达到由滚动条(或鼠标滚轮)项目的结束,那么我想呼吁下一个10(或不同)项新的请求。When user reaches end o...


I want to create dynamic load for items in Silverlight Listbox.


When user reaches end of items by scroll bar (or mouse wheel), then I want call new request for next 10 (or some different) items.


And problem is which event on listbox can handle this?


有很多在Silverlight 3的用户界面虚拟化的进步,但我不认为有什么简单的方法来实现这种类型的数据虚拟化的基础上滚动的列表框。

There were a lot of advances for UI virtualization in Silverlight 3, but I don't think there is any easy method to achieve this type of data virtualization based on scrolling for the ListBox.


One possible solution would be to subclass ListBox and handle the LayoutUpdated event to get access to the internal ScrollViewer. You can then access the vertical ScrollBar for that ScrollViewer and register to handle the ValueChanged event. If the ScrollBar value changed and it is at its maximum value (scrolled all the way down), you could then request your next set of items and add them to the underlying collection for the ListBox.


Check out this blog post on the idea. Not sure if it is the best approach, but it seems to be a solution that might work.


