Symfony3 多次渲染相同的表单表单

由网友(姐旳丗堺Ní囨懂)分享简介:我想多次呈现同一个表单来处理两个不同选项卡的相同操作.问题是当我尝试时,只显示第一个选项卡的表单,如果我更改表单的 id 和 name.我发现这是 symfony 的预期行为,但我仍然需要它来工作.I would like to render the same form multiple times to handl...

我想多次呈现同一个表单来处理两个不同选项卡的相同操作.问题是当我尝试时,只显示第一个选项卡的表单,如果我更改表单的 id 和 name.我发现这是 symfony 的预期行为,但我仍然需要它来工作.

I would like to render the same form multiple times to handle the same action for two different tabs. The problem is that when I try, only the form of the first tab is shown, event if I change the id and name of the form. I found out it's the expected behavior of symfony, but I still need it to work.


I found that it may works with a collection but don't get how it would work.


{{ form(contactForm, {'attr': {'id': 'contactFormId' ~ Client.Id}, 'name': "contactFormName" ~ Client.Id})}}


$this->contactForm = $this->createFormBuilder($contact, array('allow_extra_fields' =>true))
->add('Nom',        TextType::class, array('mapped'=>false))
->add('Prenom',     TextType::class, array('mapped'=>false))
->add('Telephone',  TextType::class, array(
    'label' => 'Téléphone'))
->add('Email',      TextType::class)
->add('Ajouter',    SubmitType::class)


这是一个较老的问题,但我只是遇到了类似的情况.我想在列表视图中有一个表单对象的多个版本.对我来说,解决方案是将表单对象上的 createView() 调用移动到视图,而不是在控制器中调用它.这是一种关于关注点分离的肮脏解决方案,但我想发布它以便它可以帮助其他人.

It is an older question, but I just came across it facing a similar situation. I wanted to have multiple versions of one form object in a list view. For me the solution was to move the createView() call on the form object to the view instead of calling it in the controller. This is kind of a dirty solution regarding separation of concerns, but I thought to post it so it may help others anyway.


My controller action looks like this:

 * @Route("", name="cart_show")
 * @Method("GET")
public function showAction(Request $request)

    /** @var CartInterface $cart */
    $cart = $this->get('rodacker.cart');

    $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm();

    return $this->render(
        ['cart' => $cart, 'deleteForm' => $deleteForm]

    // ...
    private function createDeleteForm()
        return $this->createForm(
                'action' => $this->generateUrl('cart_remove_item'),
                'method' => 'DELETE',

在视图中,我通过调用控制器传递的表单变量 (deleteForm) 上的 createView 函数来设置 form 变量:

and in the view I set the form variable by calling the createView function on the form variable (deleteForm) passed from the controller:

{% for item in items %}
    {% set form =  deleteForm.createView %}
    {{ form_start(form) }}
    {{ form_widget(form.item, {'value': item.image.filename}) }}
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" title="Artikel entfernen">
        <i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> entfernen
    {{ form_end(form) }}
{% endfor %}

