
由网友(心跳)分享简介:我一直在做一个项目,其中包括地图,但是我犯了一个错误,我不得不创建一个新项目。我已经在所有我的班,资源文件夹,图书馆等,但现在我得到101错误!复制I've been working on a project which includes maps, however I made an error and I hav...


I've been working on a project which includes maps, however I made an error and I have had to create a new project. I have copied across all my classes, res folders, libraries etc. However now I am getting 101 ERRORS!!



package com.google.maps does not exist.


I have selected a target google api:


I've included the jar files as dependencies as follows:


It was working fine in my previous project but now that I have had to create a new project it doesn't work. I'm obviously omitting something but I can't think of what. I am using Android Studio and it is a gradle build

如果有人可以帮助我,我真的很AP preciate它,因为它是非常令人沮丧...

If someone could help me I would really appreciate it because it is extremely frustrating...


Oh and I have it declared in my manifest

<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps" />

所以请,如果说之前我想AP preciate它任何人遇到这种。我已经在网上搜索,并检查了这一点:

so please, if anyone has come across this before I'd appreciate it. I've already searched online and checked out this:



although helpful it told me what I already knew...so please please help!!

的 修改的


好吧,我知道问题是什么,我只是不知道如何解决它。我引用maps.jar,然而,在这个项目中没有maps.jar,在我的previous项目有一个在外部库。外部库使用的是Android 4.1.2谷歌API和包括有maps.jar,但是,我似乎无法建立与外部库包含的是,我不知道为什么一个项目。我曾尝试通过将文件以更改构建目标 - >其他设置 - >默认的项目结构和转变它存在,但它不工作...任何人都可以提出,如果我创建了一个项目,我可能需要做保证包括在外部库中的谷歌API的?或者有什么变化,我需要对我的当前项目

Ok, I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it. I am referencing maps.jar, however, in this project there is no maps.jar, in my previous project there was in the external library. The external library had Android 4.1.2 Google APIs and included there was maps.jar, however, I can't seem to create a project with the external library containing that, I don't know why. I have tried to change the build target by going file -> other setting -> default project structure and changing it there but it doesn't work...can anyone suggest what I might need to do to ensure if I create a project to have the Google APIs included in the external library? Or what changes I need to make to my current project



I followed this link, it showed me how to change the external library and now it works...thanks to those who helped

Android摇篮如何构建Android谷歌的API 4.2.2不为Android 4.2.2


