
由网友(难免失落)分享简介:我有一个TabControl包含几个选项卡。每个标签都有一个UserControl在上面。我想检查的控制 X 在用户控件 A 从用户控件 B 。我想,做 x.Visible 从用户控件 B 会不够好。事实证明,这是展示假中,即使我明确地将它设置为调试器真,这是从来没有改变。然后我读MSDN上的Control.Vi...

我有一个TabControl包含几个选项卡。每个标签都有一个UserControl在上面。我想检查的控制 X 用户控件 A 从用户控件 B 。我想,做 x.Visible 用户控件 B 会不够好。事实证明,这是展示中,即使我明确地将它设置为调试器,这是从来没有改变。然后我读MSDN上的Control.Visible即:

I have a TabControl that contains several tabs. Each tab has one UserControl on it. I would like to check the visibility of a control x on UserControl A from UserControl B. I figured that doing x.Visible from UserControl B would be good enough. As it turns out, it was displaying false in the debugger even though I set it explicitly to true and it was never changed. Then I read on MSDN for Control.Visible that:


Even if Visible is set to true, the control might not be visible to the user if it is obscured behind other controls.

所以,出乎我的意料,这是行不通的。现在我想知道我怎么能告诉如果控制 X 可见从不同的用户控件。我想避免使用布尔如果可能的话。有没有人遇到这个,发现一个解决办法?

So much to my surprise, that will not work. Now I'm wondering how I can tell if the control x is visible from a different UserControl. I would like to avoid using a boolean if possible. Has anyone run into this and found a solution?

请注意:它也出现了 Control.IsAccessible 为假在这种情况下

Note: It also appears that Control.IsAccessible is false in this situation.



Unfortunately the control doesn't provide anything public that will allow you to check this.


One possibility would be to set something in the controls 'Tag' property. The tag’s purpose is to associate user data with the control. So it can be anything not just a boolean.



If you really want the brute force way, you can use Reflection, basically calling GetState(2):

public static bool WouldBeVisible(Control ctl) 
      // Returns true if the control would be visible if container is visible
      MethodInfo mi = ctl.GetType().GetMethod("GetState", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
      if (mi == null) return ctl.Visible;
      return (bool)(mi.Invoke(ctl, new object[] { 2 }));