




    公共字符串[] BatchId {获得;组; }






 < MyClass的>
    < ArrayOfString>
      <字符串> 2643-15-17< /串>
      <字符串> 2642-15-17< /串>
    < / ArrayOfString>
  < / MyClass的>
C 序列化与反序列化


 < MyClass的>
    < BatchId>
      < ID> 2643-15-17< / ID>
      < ID> 2642-15-17< / ID>
    < / BatchId>
  < / MyClass的>


在很多情况下,你可以使用的XmlSerializer 构造函数重载接受一个 XmlAttributeOverrides 来指定这些额外的名称信息(例如,通过一个新的 XmlRootAttribute ) - 但是,这并不对数组工作AFAIK。我想到了的String [] 例如它会更简单,只是手动写。在大多数情况下,的IXmlSerializable 是一个很多额外的工作 - 我避免它尽可能的像这样的原因。对不起。

I have a class that I need to do some custom XML output from, thus I implement the IXmlSerializable interface. However, some of the fields I want to output with the default serialization except I want to change the xml tag names. When I call serializer.Serialize, I get default tag names in the XML. Can I change these somehow?

Here is my code:

public class myClass: IXmlSerializable
    //Some fields here that I do the custom serializing on

    // These fields I want the default serialization on except for tag names
    public string[] BatchId { get; set; }

    ... ReadXml and GetSchema methods are here ...

    public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(string[]));
        serializer.Serialize(writer, BatchId);
        ... same for the other fields ...

        // This method does my custom xml stuff

    // My custom xml method is here and works fine

Here is my Xml output:

    ... My custom Xml that is correct ..

What I want to end up with is:

    ... My custom Xml that is correct ..


In many cases, you can use the XmlSerializer constructor-overload that accepts a XmlAttributeOverrides to specify this extra name information (for example, passing a new XmlRootAttribute) - however, this doesn't work for arrays AFAIK. I expect for the string[] example it would be simpler to just write it manually. In most cases, IXmlSerializable is a lot of extra work - I avoid it as far as possible for reasons like this. Sorry.


