科尔多瓦的PhoneGap和谷歌地图V3的JavaScript API:如何点击无论许可链接或谷歌地图徽标时添加后退按钮的功能地图、徽标、科尔、按钮

由网友(寄余生)分享简介:背景:在科尔多瓦的PhoneGap 2.2应用程序运行在Android上允许听后退按钮事件Background:The Cordova phonegap 2.2 application running on Android allows listening to the backbutton eventdoc...

背景: 在科尔多瓦的PhoneGap 2.2应用程序运行在Android上允许听后退按钮事件

Background: The Cordova phonegap 2.2 application running on Android allows listening to the backbutton event

document.addEventListener("backbutton", function(e){ history.back();}

在谷歌地图API V3创建带有谷歌标志链接到谷歌地图网页的左下角和右下角一个可点击的链接许可证地图。标志或服务环节方面有没有具体的ID /选择。

The google maps api V3 creates the map with the Google logo linking to a Google maps webpage in the left lower corner and a clickable license link in the right lower corner. The logo or the terms of service links have no specific id/selector.

问题 当点击该网页会被重定向到一个谷歌的网页与链接:目标:_blank的网站,那么在同一个窗口作为Cordava应用程序打开,但后退按钮功能丧失,因为网页包含它自己的JavaScript。

Problem When clicking one of the links the webpage is redirected to a Google webpage with: target:_blank, the website then opens in the same window as the Cordava application, but the back button functionality is lost because the webpage contains its own Javascript.


Is it possible to inject some code upon loading a webpage?


One solution could possibly be to open the links externally with:

navigator.app.loadUrl([href here], { openExternal:true } );


but then again there is still the problem of lack of selectors.

更新:点击按钮时,而在许可证页或谷歌地图我得到的logcat以下错误信息:11-13 16:20:30.500:E / Web控制台(31508):未捕获的Ref​​erenceError:科尔多瓦不定义:1

Update: When clicking the button while on the license page or in Google maps I get the following error message in logcat: 11-13 16:20:30.500: E/Web Console(31508): Uncaught ReferenceError: cordova is not defined:1



Here is one way to intersect the google maps links.


Assuming you have jquery available, you can include this method in your script:

function directUrlToExternalBrowser(urlPattern) {
  var pattern = "a[href^='"+urlPattern+"']";//all urls startting with urlPattern
  $(pattern).live('click', function(e){
      navigator.app.loadUrl($(pattern).attr("href"), {openExternal: true});


Then you can direct the clicks to the phonegap api by the following lines:


