
由网友(渡不过的奈何桥)分享简介:我有几个SWF文件,我想在我的Andr​​oid设备上运行图。早些时候,我使用Flash Player进行查看这些文件的WebView但现在因为Flash播放器插件不玩店更可让谁没有Flash播放器插件已经是人无法查看这些文件。I have few SWF Files which I want to run vie...

我有几个SWF文件,我想在我的Andr​​oid设备上运行图。 早些时候,我使用Flash Player进行查看这些文件的WebView但现在因为Flash播放器插件不玩店更可让谁没有Flash播放器插件已经是人无法查看这些文件。

I have few SWF Files which I want to run view on my Android Device. Earlier I was viewing those files in webview using flash player but now as flash player plugin is no more available on play store so the person who has not flash player plugin already can not view those files.


How can I show my SWF files without using Flash Player Plugin ?


您可以使用开源$ C ​​$ C如 SWFDec 的,但你必须自己是在Android上移植。

You can use opensource code like SWFDec, but you have to porting it on android by yourself.

如何移植:   1.下载swfdec源$ C ​​$从 http://swfdec.freedesktop.org Ç   2.交叉编译swfdec源$ C ​​$ C为Android平台   3.阅读swfdec源$ C ​​$ C找到如何块复制swfdec表面到Android视图

How to porting: 1. download swfdec source code from http://swfdec.freedesktop.org 2. cross-compile swfdec source code for android platform 3. read swfdec source code to find how to blit swfdec surface to android view


