
由网友(绾起梨花月)分享简介:我试着写一个最基本的超简单的轻量包装的LibVLC DLL库。我并不需要访问很多,只是能力,播放暂停,停止媒体文件。我在看文档,我发现,说明LibVLC的旧版本的其他环节,但它是过时的最新版本。我也试过LibVLC.Net,但它也已经过时,我无法找到我要找的源$ C ​​$ C匹配到我想要导出功能。 I'm tryi...

我试着写一个最基本的超简单的轻量包装的LibVLC DLL库。我并不需要访问很多,只是能力,播放暂停,停止媒体文件。我在看文档,我发现,说明LibVLC的旧版本的其他环节,但它是过时的最新版本。我也试过LibVLC.Net,但它也已经过时,我无法找到我要找的源$ C ​​$ C匹配到我想要导出功能。

I'm trying to write a bare-bones ultra-simple light-weight wrapper for the LibVLC DLL Library. I don't need access to much, just the ability to play pause and stop media files. I'm looking at the documentation and this other link I found that explains an older version of LibVLC, but it's outdated for the most recent version. I also tried LibVLC.Net but it too is outdated and I can't find what I'm looking for in the source code to match it to the functions I'm trying to export.


I have the following signature I'm trying to export:

libvlc_new (int argc, const char *const *argv)


argc    the number of arguments (should be 0)
argv    list of arguments (should be NULL)


And this is the method I'm trying.

[DllImport("libvlc", EntryPoint = "libvlc_new")]
public static extern IntPtr New(Int32 argc, String[] argv);


The description suggests it should be an array, and I think the problem is the second argument. I've tried:

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String[] argv


as according to here, and there are a couple of other options such as a String and StringBuilder as suggested here but it still happens that every time I call the function I get an Imbalanced PInvoke stack.

我需要知道这个正确的调用约定,并且很可能其他几个,功能。 A的PInvoke傻瓜在线参考将是超好。

I need to know what the proper calling convention of this, and very likely several other, functions are. A "PInvoke For Dummies" online reference would be super good.



Not much point in declaring the argument type if only NULL is permitted. Just declare it IntPtr and pass IntPtr.Zero.


The debugger is pointing out that you forgot to declare the CallingConvention. It is not the default for .NET, this is a __cdecl function. So the proper declaration would be:

[DllImport("libvlc", EntryPoint = "libvlc_new", 
     CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern IntPtr New(int argc, IntPtr argv);


New(0, IntPtr.Zero);


Do try to pick a better name...


