
由网友(翱翔)分享简介:标题表明,我已经一个想法,这是怎么回事,但我无法解释。我试图订购名单,LT;字符串[]> 动态每个列,先上和最小结束长度所有阵列。The title suggests that i've already an idea what's going on, but i cannot explain it. I've...

标题表明,我已经一个想法,这是怎么回事,但我无法解释。我试图订购名单,LT;字符串[]> 动态每个列,先上和最小结束长度所有阵列。

The title suggests that i've already an idea what's going on, but i cannot explain it. I've tried to order a List<string[]> dynamically by each "column", beginning with the first and ending with the minimum Length of all arrays.

所以这个样品是在 2 ,因为最后的String [] 只有两个元素:

So in this sample it is 2, because the last string[] has only two elements:

List<string[]> someValues = new List<string[]>();
someValues.Add(new[] { "c", "3", "b" });
someValues.Add(new[] { "a", "1", "d" });
someValues.Add(new[] { "d", "4", "a" });
someValues.Add(new[] { "b", "2" });


Now i've tried to order all by the first and second column. I could do it statically in this way:

someValues = someValues
    .OrderBy(t => t[0])
    .ThenBy(t => t[1])


But if i don't know the number of "columns" i could use this loop(that's what I thought):

int minDim = someValues.Min(t => t.GetLength(0));  // 2
IOrderedEnumerable<string[]> orderedValues = someValues.OrderBy(t => t[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < minDim; i++)
    orderedValues = orderedValues.ThenBy(t => t[i]);
someValues = orderedValues.ToList();  // IndexOutOfRangeException 

但是,这并不工作,它无法与 IndexOutOfRangeException 在最后一行。调试器告诉我, 2 在那个时候,所以for循环的条件似乎被忽略, == minDim

But that doesn't work, it fails with an IndexOutOfRangeException at the last line. The debugger tells me that i is 2 at that time, so the for-loop condition seems to be ignored, i is already == minDim.


Why is that so? What is the correct way for this?


这是同样的问题,因为很多人曾与的foreach 回路pre C#5

It's the same problem as lots of people had with foreach loops pre C# 5.

orderedValues = orderedValues.ThenBy(t => t[i]);

将不会被直到你调用评估 .ToList()此时它的值是2因为这是的退出条件的循环。

The value of i will not be evaluated until you call .ToList() at which point it is 2 since that's the exit condition of the for loop.


You can introduce a new local variable inside the for-loop to fix it:

for (int i = 1; i < minDim; i++)
    var tmp = i;
    orderedValues = orderedValues.ThenBy(t => t[tmp]);


For more information you could take a look at Eric Lippert's blog post about Closing over the loop variable considered harmful.


