像 mqtt 或 sqs 这样的排队和消息传递的文档消息、文档、mqtt、sqs

由网友(有事找百度)分享简介:有没有像 swagger 这样的解决方案来记录队列和消息,比如 mqtt 或 sqs?Is there any solution like swagger for documenting queueing and messaging like mqtt or sqs?推荐答案查看 AsyncAPI.GitHub...

有没有像 swagger 这样的解决方案来记录队列和消息,比如 mqtt 或 sqs?

Is there any solution like swagger for documenting queueing and messaging like mqtt or sqs?


查看 AsyncAPI.

GitHub 存储库:https://github.com/asyncapi/asyncapi

GitHub repo: https://github.com/asyncapi/asyncapi

AsyncAPI 是一项开源计划,旨在改善事件驱动架构 (EDA) 的当前状态.我们的长期目标是让使用 EDA 就像使用 REST API 一样简单.从文档到代码生成,从发现到事件管理.我们现在应用于 REST API 的大多数流程也适用于我们的事件驱动/异步 API.

AsyncAPI is an open source initiative that seeks to improve the current state of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA). Our long-term goal is to make working with EDA’s as easy as it is to work with REST APIs. That goes from documentation to code generation, from discovery to event management. Most of the processes we apply to our REST APIs nowadays would be applicable to our event-driven/asynchronous APIs too.

要实现这一点,第一步是创建一个规范,允许开发人员、架构师和产品经理定义异步 API 的接口.就像 OpenAPI (fka Swagger) 对 REST API 所做的那样.

To make this happen, the first step has been to create a specification that allows developers, architects, and product managers to define the interfaces of an async API. Much like OpenAPI (fka Swagger) does for REST APIs.


