如何在 Swagger-UI 中打开本地文件本地文件、如何在、Swagger、UI

由网友(逗神无敌!)分享简介:我正在尝试使用 如果我输入一个本地路径,它总是会以包含 index.html 的当前 url 为前缀.因此我无法打开我的文件.我尝试了以下所有组合但均未成功:my.json 导致 file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/my.jsonfile:///D:/swagger-ui/d...


如果我输入一个本地路径,它总是会以包含 index.html 的当前 url 为前缀.因此我无法打开我的文件.我尝试了以下所有组合但均未成功:

my.json 导致 file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/my.jsonfile:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json 导致 file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json

解决方案 利用Swagger UI接口文档同步本地Mock数据

有效的方法是在没有 file://-protocol 的情况下输入相对路径或绝对路径:

../my.json 导致 file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/../my.json 和有效/D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json 导致 file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json 和有效


此答案适用于 Win7 上的 Firefox.对于 Chrome 浏览器,请参阅以下评论:

I'm trying to open my self generated swagger specification file my.json with swagger-ui on my local computer.

So I downloaded the latest tag v2.1.8-M1 and extracted the zip. Then I went inside the sub folder dist and copied the file my.json into it. Now I opened the index.html and want to explore my.json. And here the problem begins:

If I enter a local path, it always will be prefixed by the current url containing the index.html. And therefor I can't open my file. I tried all following combinations without success:

my.json leads to file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/my.json file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json leads to file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json


What works, is to enter a relative path or an absolute without the file://-protocol:

../my.json leads to file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/index.html/../my.json and works /D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json leads to file:///D:/swagger-ui/dist/my.json and works


This answer works with Firefox on Win7. For Chrome-Browser, see comments below:


