
由网友(芒果大暖男>.<)分享简介:假设我们有很多意见的活动上 OnClickListener 是要注册。Suppose we have an Activity with a lot of views on which OnClickListener is to be registered.要实现这种最常见的方式是让活动子类实现OnClickList...

假设我们有很多意见的活动上 OnClickListener 是要注册。

Suppose we have an Activity with a lot of views on which OnClickListener is to be registered.


The most common way to implement this is to let the Activity-Subclass implement the OnClickListener, something like this:

public class ActivityMain extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener
    public void onClick(View view)
        switch (view.getId())
            //handle multiple view click events


The way i like to implement it is to create a private class inside the Activity-Subclass and let that inner class implement the OnClickListener:

public class ActivityMain extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener
    private class ClickListener implements View.OnClickListener
        public void onClick(View view)
            switch (view.getId())
                //handle multiple view click events


This way the code seems more organized and easy to maintain.


Moreover, talking about "Is-a", "Has-a" relationships, the latter seems to be a good practice because now the Activity-Subclass would have a "Has-a" relationship with the ClickListener. While in the former method we would be saying that Our Activity-Subclass "Is-a" ClickListener, which ain't completely true.


Note that, i am not concerned with the memory overhead the latter would cause.


Also, adding onClick tag in xml is completely out of question.


So, what really is the best way to implement a ClickListener?


Please don't suggest any libraries like RoboGuice or ButterKnife etc.



Firstly there is no best practice defined by android regarding registering click listener. It Totally depends on your use case.

实施 View.OnClickListener 界面活动是要走的路。由于Android的强烈一遍又一遍它是一个活动或片段。建议接口的实现。

Implementing the View.OnClickListener interface to activity is the way to go. As Android strongly recommends interface implementation over and over again whether its is a activity or fragment.


public class ActivityMain extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener
    private class ClickListener implements View.OnClickListener
        public void onClick(View view)
            switch (view.getId())
                //handle multiple view click events


This is your approach.Now it is your way of implementation nothing wrong with this if you are not concerned with memory overhead.But whats the benefit of creating the inner class and implementing the View.OnClickListener if you can simply implement that to main class which can also lead to code clarity and simplicity that you need.

所以它只是一个讨论,而越来越implemeting的最佳解决方案在 View.OnClickListener ,因为如果你从每个人的实际情况来看去,会去一个解决方案是简单和内存efficent。

So It just an discussion rather getting the best possible solution of implemeting the View.OnClickListener because if you go from practical point of everyone, will go for a solution which is simple and memory efficent.


So i would prefer the conventional way, keep things simple and efficient as below :

    public void onClick(View view)
        switch (view.getId())
            //handle multiple view click events



