
由网友(刺骨的爱)分享简介:在谷歌文档,谷歌Analytics(分析)3版本是关于普通的跟踪类的EasyTracker 之间的差异,并非常混乱,我真的不知道我应该使用哪一个。在此页面,他们谈论建立的EasyTracker ,使用analytics.xml文件设置您的ID,但随后在下页他们谈论建立定期跟踪,并通过它你的ID:The Google...

在谷歌文档,谷歌Analytics(分析)3版本是关于普通的跟踪的EasyTracker 之间的差异,并非常混乱,我真的不知道我应该使用哪一个。在此页面,他们谈论建立的EasyTracker ,使用analytics.xml文件设置您的ID,但随后在下页他们谈论建立定期跟踪,并通过它你的ID:

The Google documentation for Google Analytics version 3 is very confusing regarding the differences between EasyTracker and the regular Tracker class, and I'm really not sure which one I should be using. On this page, they talk about setting up the EasyTracker, using the analytics.xml file to set up your ID, but then on the next page they talk about setting up a regular tracker and passing it your ID:

// Initialize a tracker using a Google Analytics property ID.

什么是这两个跟踪器之间的差异?做一件比其他更多的功能?我收集了的EasyTracker 更简单,如果你只是想活动跟踪设置,但如果我想使用所有的谷歌Analytics(分析)提供给我的特点,我还是可以的做这一切与的EasyTracker ,或者我需要切换到普通的跟踪

What are the differences between these two trackers? Does one have more features than the other? I gather that the EasyTracker is simpler to set up if you just want Activity tracking, but if I want to use all of the features available to me in Google Analytics, can I still do all that with the EasyTracker, or do I need to switch to the regular Tracker?



I ended up going straight to the Google Analytics Developer Forum to get the answer:


EasyTracker is a subclass of Tracker that may be conveniently initialized via xml resource values, rather than programmatically.


EasyTracker also provides automatic session management, by keeping track of whether your app is in the foreground or background via the EasyTracker.getInstance(context).activityStart() and activityStop() methods.

如果你只是用跟踪器,则需要与所有你想要的配置选项编程初始化,然后你没有得到自动会话管理是考虑到当你的应用程序是在前台或后台 - 相反,您的会话的长度将完全由您在GA接口配置为你的财产的会话超时周期来决定。

If you just use Tracker, you need to programmatically initialize it with all of your desired config options, and you don't get the automatic session management that takes into consideration when your app is in the foreground or background -- instead, the lengths of your sessions will be determined solely by the Session Timeout Period you've configured in the GA interface for your property.


Subsequent discussion there didn't seem to turn up any situation where you wouldn't want to use an EasyTracker if you're just starting out.

另一个重要的注意事项 - 还有为code是的羽翼丰满的javadoc仅可作为code包的一部分,而不是他们的公共网站的任何地方使用

Another important note - there are full fledged javadocs for the code that are only available as part of the code package, and not available anywhere on their public website.


