
由网友(销魂几度)分享简介:我正在为教育目的的简单改造中的应用,并使用IntelliJ IDEA的为我的IDE。I'm making a simple RetroFit application for educational purposes, and use IntelliJ IDEA as my IDE.我已经正确输入了改造库(至少我认为...

我正在为教育目的的简单改造中的应用,并使用IntelliJ IDEA的为我的IDE。

I'm making a simple RetroFit application for educational purposes, and use IntelliJ IDEA as my IDE.


I have imported the Retrofit library properly (at least I think I have) but I'm not able to get the Gson Converter package. I have the gson.jar from google installed but nowhere in either of these libraries is there a class called "GsonConverterFactory", which is required for me to parse JSON.


I'm on Windows.


添加编译com.squareup.retrofit:转炉GSON:2.0.0-β2来你的的build.gradle 文件,并得到解决的依赖性或相应的jar添加到您的bulid路径。

Add compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:converter-gson:2.0.0-beta2' to your build.gradle file and get the dependency resolved or add corresponding jars to your bulid path.

然后用 GsonConverterFactory.create()来获得转换器厂

我试着用 2.0.0-β1但下面给出,所以搬到 2.0它给了我工厂非法类型转换错误。 0-β2

I tried using 2.0.0-beta1 but it gave me an illegal type conversion error for factory as given below, so moved to 2.0.0-beta2

  error: method addConverterFactory in class Builder cannot be applied to   given types;
    required: Factory
    found: GsonConverterFactory
    reason: actual argument GsonConverterFactory cannot be converted to Factory by method invocation conversion

所以我的建议是使用 2.0.0-β2


my build.gradle has following dependencies to resolve retrofit.

 compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:2.0.0-beta2'  
 compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:converter-gson:2.0.0-beta2'

