在.NET 4.0中,可以DirectorySearch的方式,让我翻阅他们返回LDAP结果?让我、方式、结果、NET

由网友(一斧撼天)分享简介:我的工作在C#中,我试图用DirectorySearch来查询一个非常大的Microsoft ActiveDirectory的LDAP服务器的组。I am working in C#, and am trying to use DirectorySearch to query the groups of an ext...

我的工作在C#中,我试图用DirectorySearch来查询一个非常大的Microsoft ActiveDirectory的LDAP服务器的组。

I am working in C#, and am trying to use DirectorySearch to query the groups of an extremely large Microsoft ActiveDirectory LDAP server.


So, in my application, I'm going to have a paged list of groups, with searching capability. Naturally, I don't want to hammer my LDAP server with passing me the entire result set for these queries every time I hit "Next Page".


Is there a way, using DirectorySearch, to retrieve ONLY a single arbitrary page's results, rather than returning the entire result-set in one method call?


DirectorySearch.PageSize = 2不工作 c# Active Directory服务的findAll()只返回1000个条目 DirectorySearch.PageSize = 2 doesn't work c# Active Directory Services findAll() returns only 1000 entries


Many questions like these exist, where someone asks about paging (meaning from LDAP server to app server), and gets responses involving PageSize and SizeLimit. However, those properties only affect paging between the C# server and the LDAP server, and in the end, the only relevant methods that DirectorySearch has are FindOne() and FindAll().


What I'm looking for is basically "FindPaged(pageSize, pageNumber)" (the pageNumber being the really important bit. I don't just want the first 1000 results, I want (for example) the 100'th set of 1000 results. The app can't wait for 100,000 records to be passed from the LDAP server to the app server, even if they are broken up into 1,000-record chunks.


I understand that DirectoryServices.Protocols has SearchRequest, which (I think?) allows you to use a "PageResultRequestControl", which looks like it has what I'm looking for (although it looks like the paging information comes in "cookies", which I'm not sure how I'd be supposed to retrieve). But if there's a way to do this without rewriting the entire thing to use Protocols instead, I'd rather not have to do so.


I just can't imagine there's no way to do this... Even SQL has Row_Number.

更新: 该PageResultRequestControl于事无补 - 这是只进和顺序(你必须调用,并得到前N个结果,然后才能获得所必需的曲奇令牌拨打电话获得导致N + 1)

UPDATE: The PageResultRequestControl does not help - It's forward-only and sequential (You must call and get the first N results before you can get the "cookie" token necessary to make a call to get result N+1).


However, the cookie does appear to have some sort of reproducible ordering... On a result set I was working on, I iterated one by one through the results, and each time the cookie came out thusly:

1: {8, 0, 0, 0}
2: {11, 0, 0, 0}
3: {12, 0, 0, 0}
4: {16, 0, 0, 0}

当我通过两个两个迭代,我得到了相同的号码(11,16)。 这使我想到,如果我能想出​​如何生成这些数字的code,我可以创建一个cookie特设的,这会给我正是我要寻找的页面。

When I iterated through two by two, I got the same numbers (11, 16). This makes me think that if I could figure out the code of how those numbers are generated, I could create a cookie ad-hoc, which would give me exactly the paging I'm looking for.



Sadly, it appears there may not be a way to do this given current C# libraries.

所有标准的C#4.0 LDAP库返回前N个结果(如,的FindAll(),它返回每个结果,FindOne(),它返回的第一个结果,或信息搜索结果与PageResultRequestControl,返回结果N至N + M,但需要你到N-1的检索结果1之前,你有,你可以请求传递,以获得下设置一个cookie标记。

All of the standard C#4.0 LDAP libraries return Top-N results (As in, FindAll(), which returns every result, FindOne(), which returns the first result, or SearchResult with PageResultRequestControl, which returns results N through N+M but requires you to retrieve results 1 through N-1 before you'll have a cookie token that you can pass with the request in order to get the next set.


I haven't been able to find any third-party LDAP libraries that allow this, either.


Unless a better solution is found, my path forward will be to modify the interface to instead display the top X results, with no client paging capabilities (obviously still using server-side paging as appropriate).

我会在以后的日子奉行一个只进寻呼系统,通过将更新后的cookie到客户端的响应,并配有更多结果式按钮的点击它传递回来。 这可能是值得追求的,在以后的日子,这些cookie能否被手工制作的。

I may pursue a forward-only paging system at a later date, by passing the updated cookie to the client with the response, and passing it back with a click of a "More Results" type of button. It might be worth pursuing at a later date, whether or not these cookies can be hand-crafted.

更新: 我采访了微软的支持,并证实了这一点 - 有没有办法做到动态页面与LDAP服务器。这是LDAP服务器本身的限制。

UPDATE: I spoke with Microsoft Support and confirmed this - There is no way to do dynamic paging with LDAP servers. This is a limitation of LDAP servers themselves.


You can use Protocols and the Paging control (if your LDAP server supports it) to step forward at will, but there is no cross-server (or even cross-version) standard for the cookie, so you can't reasonably craft your own, and there's no guarantee that the cookie can be reused for repeated queries.


A full solution involves using Protocols (with Paging as above) to pull your pageable result set into SQL, whether into a temp table or a permanent storage table, and allow your user to page and sort through THAT result set in the traditional manner. Bear in mind your results won't be precisely up to date, but with some smart cache updating you can minimize that risk.


