由网友(甜的很正经)分享简介:我工作的一个asp.net应用程序(.NET 4框架)的设计,并想知道什么样的利弊和最佳实践使用web服务VS WCF张婷婷?此应用程序将最终被用于外部客户端来使用数据。I am working on an asp.net application (.net 4 framework) design and was w...

我工作的一个asp.net应用程序(.NET 4框架)的设计,并想知道什么样的利弊和最佳实践使用web服务VS WCF张婷婷?此应用程序将最终被用于外部客户端来使用数据。

I am working on an asp.net application (.net 4 framework) design and was wanting to know what are the pros and cons and best practices for using webservices vs WCF techology? This application will eventually be used by outside clients to consume data.

当你会用Web服务时,你会使用WCF? 是其中一个比另一个更具可扩展性?

When would you use WebServices and when would you use WCF? Is one more scalable than the other?



I would use WCF because it can do everything webservices (asmx) does; while giving you the flexibility to extend much further.

您可以设置一个简单的WCF服务一样容易,通过Visual Studio中的ASMX服务。所以,如果你在这两种技术新鲜,我会花时间学习WCF。

You can setup a simple WCF Service just as easily as an ASMX service through Visual Studio. So if you're "Fresh" on both technologies, I'd spend time learning WCF.

根据您的具体使用情况,您可能会也可能考虑WCF数据服务(.NET4)和实体框架。它基本上给你一个很好的API,你可以用它来消耗你的数据库,通过HTTP / HTTPS。 WCF数据服务的优点,就是你写出来非常少code让你的数据,你可以专注于消费它。

Depending on your specific use-case, you might might also look into WCF Data Services (.NET4) and Entity Framework. It basically gives you a nice API that you can use to consume your database over http/https. The beauty of WCF Data Services, is that you end up writing very little code to get at your data, and you can focus on consuming it.

WCF入门 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en -us /库/ ms734712.aspx

WCF Getting Started -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms734712.aspx

WCF数据服务 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en -us /数据/ ee720180.aspx

WCF Data Services -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/ee720180.aspx


