字体是模糊/大Android Studio中模糊、字体、Studio、Android

由网友(我愿捐出学校给慈善机构?)分享简介:有没有什么办法我可以改变的Andr​​oid工作室的分辨率是多少?我看着在设置 - >外观,但它好像有改变它没有正式的办法。我有一个1920×1080显示屏和整个窗口和文字看起来有点模糊。我在Windows上运行8.1的Windows机器。谢谢!is there any way I can change the re...

有没有什么办法我可以改变的Andr​​oid工作室的分辨率是多少?我看着在设置 - >外观,但它好像有改变它没有正式的办法。我有一个1920×1080显示屏和整个窗口和文字看起来有点模糊。我在Windows上运行8.1的Windows机器。谢谢!

is there any way I can change the resolution of Android Studio? I looked in Settings->Appearance but it seems like there is no official way to change it. I have a 1920x1080 Display and the whole window and text looks a little bit blurry. I am running a Windows machine on Windows 8.1. Thanks!



You need to set a compatibility option "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" for the application.


Right-click the taskbar button, then right-click the app name, select Properties, Compatibility. Set the option, save changes, restart Studio.


Those instructions are for a Win7 machine, but Win8.1 should behave the same.


To explain what is happening: apparently, the Studio is not "high DPI aware", i.e. does not declare "I know how to handle myself on a high-DPI screen", and Windows tries to scale the window so that its elements do not get too tiny.

您可以在一个应用程序,通过应用基础上覆盖此,但要ppared可能的故障/微小的UI元素$ P $。

You can override this on an app-by-app basis, but be prepared for possible glitches / tiny UI elements.


