
由网友(做个女流氓)分享简介:我想提出一个关闭按钮,在一个网页(我们的客户要做到这一点)当我点击这个按钮,我想(在Android浏览器不是当前选项卡,但浏览器,IE,火狐,Chrome等)关闭浏览器。I want to put a "close" button in a web page (our client wants to do that...

我想提出一个关闭按钮,在一个网页(我们的客户要做到这一点) 当我点击这个按钮,我想(在Android浏览器不是当前选项卡,但浏览器,IE,火狐,Chrome等)关闭浏览器。

I want to put a "close" button in a web page (our client wants to do that) and when I click this button, I want to close Browser (not the current tab but "browser" in Android Browser, IE, Firefox, Chrome etc.).

我已经搜索了一圈,发现一个方法: window.close()的,但似乎只能在IE 。 我的问题是:

I've searched around and found a method: window.close() but seems to only work on IE. My question is:

有什么办法来关闭使用JavaScript Android浏览器?


都能跟得上 - 这是一件好事:网页没有业务与浏览器本身(等待,在哪里我的窗口去搞乱我有过30的标签? !在那里 - 噗,走了),更何况一个明显的漏洞:

Nope - and that's a Good Thing: the webpage has no business messing with the browser itself ("wait, where did my window go? I had like 30 tabs in there - poof, gone!"), not to mention a glaring vulnerability:

在插入XSS到legitpage.example.com 当它被激活,在打开弹出式evilpage.example.net的窗口,它看起来就像legitpage.example.com一个 在接近legitpage.example.com(如2和3是速度不够快,用户可能被愚弄的XE对legitpage.example.com仍然) ??? 利润!

