使用 Rsync 在每次保存时上传文件上传文件、Rsync

由网友(靠自己才是真正的女王)分享简介:我正在使用 Eclipse PDT(Ubuntu 10.10) 进行 Web 开发,并使用 Rsync 手动成功上传更改的文件.Im using Eclipse PDT(Ubuntu 10.10) for web development and successfully uploading changed files...

我正在使用 Eclipse PDT(Ubuntu 10.10) 进行 Web 开发,并使用 Rsync 手动成功上传更改的文件.

Im using Eclipse PDT(Ubuntu 10.10) for web development and successfully uploading changed files with Rsync manually.

~$ rsync -e ssh -av /home/goksel/Sites/test goksel@goksel.com:test
sending incremental file list


Is there a way to make this command work on every save?

我知道我可以通过使用 Aptana 的 Sync 工具来做到这一点,但不知何故它工作得非常慢.

I know that I can do this by using Aptana's Sync tool but somehow it works very slow.


有 2 个选项可用.如果您右键单击该项目,您可以添加一个外部构建器,它可以是一个 ant 文件或程序.这将在每次文件更改时运行.

There are 2 options available. If you right-click on the project you can add an external builder, which can be an ant file or a program. That will run on every file change.

第二个选项是使用目标管理中的远程系统资源管理器之类的东西:http://www.eclipse.org/tm/ 很多用户在处理他们想要同步到远程系统的项目(如 PHP)时使用它.

The second option is to use something like Remote System Explorer from Target Management: http://www.eclipse.org/tm/ A lot of users use this when working on projects (like PHP) that they want synced up to a remote system.


