
由网友(我爱的人名字里有Y!)分享简介:我写了一个小的应用程序来解析来自YouTube的部分RSS源,并启动录像由用户选择。要播放视频,我使用一个意图:I've written a small app to parse some RSS feeds from YouTube and launch videos selected by the user. T...


I've written a small app to parse some RSS feeds from YouTube and launch videos selected by the user. To play the video, I'm using an intent:

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(videoAddress);


In order to call the YouTube app, if installed on the device.


The problem I'm having is that, of the population of videos I am using in my app, about 90% of them display a 'Cannot play video' error message: "Sorry, this video cannot be played.". A few of them work just fine from my app. The videos that do not work will play fine in the YouTube app if searched for and launched entirely from within the YouTube app.


Has anybody seen this behavior, or does anybody have any ideas for things to try? Obviously the YouTube app launches videos in a slightly different way internally than it does from an Intent request, but I haven't a clue how to get to the bottom of it.


我有同样的问题。你确定所有的视频​​从YouTube应用程序正常播放?就我而言,在一个旧G1,视频不能播放从如果从YouTube应用程序内搜查我的应用程序不会打均匀。 我认为,视频编码中不支持某些情况下和/或缓慢cpu和缓慢的网络的组合使视频无法播放。 我读过有关的人只是刷新许多次,直到在视频开始播放......我猜thier护理,这是一个网络/缓冲问题。 更多的讨论,在这里: 的http://www.google.com.tw/support/forum/p/android/thread?tid=3a62cdf7188384af&hl=en

I have the same issue. Are you sure that all of the video play correctly from the youtube app? In my case, on an old G1, the videos I can't play from my app won't play even if searched from within the youtube app. I think the video encoding is not supported in some case and/or the combination of a slow cpu and slow network make the video not playable. I've read about people just refreshing many times untill the video starts playing... I guess in thier care it was a network/buffering issue. More discussion here: http://www.google.com.tw/support/forum/p/android/thread?tid=3a62cdf7188384af&hl=en

由于这个原因我的应用程序(类似于你的)得到了很多床的意见。我再版只为Android> = 2.1,我现在我有较少的不良反馈。

For this reason my App (similar to yours) got a lot of bed comments. I republished it only for Android >=2.1 and I now I have fewer bad feedback.


