无法在IE 8中显示来自HTTPS PDF(在64位Vista)HTTPS、IE、PDF、Vista

由网友(1抹 温暖的微光ゝ)分享简介:我有一个提供了简单的文件(它嵌入在我的应用程序),一个土生土长的HTTPS服务器。它的伟大工程 - 在使用它永远I have a home-grown HTTPS server that serves up simple files (it's embedded within my app). It works g...

我有一个提供了简单的文件(它嵌入在我的应用程序),一个土生土长的HTTPS服务器。它的伟大工程 - 在使用它永远

I have a home-grown HTTPS server that serves up simple files (it's embedded within my app). It works great -- been using it forever.

最近添加SSL支持 - 浏览器,Firefox和IE都喜欢它,并加载页面就好了

Recently added SSL support -- Chrome, FireFox and IE all like it and load pages just fine.

我觉得现在的问题是,当我尝试加载PDF文件通过HTTPS连接。出于某种原因,在PDF从来没有在IE 8显示(在64位Vista 64位)。它工作正常,在Chrome中。 它使用普通的HTTP时,工作正常,在IE 8 - 只有在使用HTTPS失败

The problem I find is when I try to load a PDF file over the HTTPS connection. For some reason, the PDF never displays in IE 8 (64-bit on 64-bit Vista). It works fine in Chrome. And it works fine in IE 8 when using plain HTTP -- only fails when using HTTPS.

请注意:当IE 8所提到的,它是32位IE 8在64位Vista,尽管64位IE 8具有相同的行为

NOTE: When IE 8 is mentioned, it's 32-bit IE 8 on 64-bit Vista, although the 64-bit IE 8 has the same behavior.

这让我觉得这是某种形式的IE 8 / HTTPS / PDF / 64位操作系统的问题,但我不知道。

That makes me think it's some sort of IE 8/HTTPS/PDF/64-bit OS issue, but I'm not sure.

DebugBar为IE 8显示了请求和响应去完全按预期 - 没有错误可言。 IE 8不显示任何错误或任何东西 - 纯白色屏幕(或之前,我试图加载PDF被显示的页面)。清除缓存/饼干/等。

DebugBar for IE 8 shows the request and response went exactly as expected -- no errors at all. IE 8 doesn't show any errors or anything -- pure white screen (or the page that was displayed before I tried to load the PDF). Cleared cache/cookies/etc.

是否有任何已知问题与IE浏览器/ PDF / HTTPS?

Are there any known issues with IE/PDF/HTTPS?



Thought I'd come back and give the final answer.


Thank you to everyone that suggested "Do not save encrypted pages to disk".


I followed EricLaw's advice and set:

Cache-Control: private 



Works like a charm now :)


