
由网友(刺青刺心°)分享简介:我有一个 Excel 表,其中包含以下数据(管道|"用于分隔列).I have an excel sheet with the below (pipe "|" to delimit columns) data.A|B|C|X|50|60D|E|F|X|40|30A|B|C|X|10|20A|B|C|Y|20|...

我有一个 Excel 表,其中包含以下数据(管道|"用于分隔列).

I have an excel sheet with the below (pipe "|" to delimit columns) data.




值 A、B、C 和 D、E、F 就像唯一标识符.实际上只能考虑A或D.值 X 和 Y 就像类型",整数是要求和的值.这个样本被简化了,有数千个唯一标识符,十几个类型和几十个值要求和.行未排序,类型可以位于较高或较低的行中.我试图避免使用数据透视表.

Values A, B, C and D, E, F are like unique identifiers. Actually only A or D can be considered. Values X and Y are like "types", and the integers are the values to sum. This sample was simplified, there are thousands of unique identifiers, dozen of types and dozens of values to sum. The rows are not sorted, the types can be located in higher or lower rows. I am trying to avoid the use of a pivot table.

Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim LastCol As Integer
Dim i As Integer

LastCol = Sheets(1).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
LastRow = Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

For i = 1 To LastRow
Next i


The code above gets to the point of looping through the rows but I am unclear on what to after that point.



在右侧未使用的列中,在第二行使用如下公式, Sort them on all alphabetic columns you deem important.

In an unused column to the right use a formula like the following in the second row,

=IF($A2&$B2&$C2&$D2=$A3&$B3&$C3&$D3, "", SUMIFS(E:E,$A:$A, $A2,$B:$B, $B2,$C:$C, $C2,$D:$D, $D2)))

=IF($A2&$B2&$C2&$D2=$A3&$B3&$C3&$D3, "", SUMIFS(E:E,$A:$A, $A2,$B:$B, $B2,$C:$C, $C2,$D:$D, $D2))


Copy that formula right one column then fill both columns down as far as your data goes


可选择将数据复制到新的报告工作表并删除列 E &F.

Optionally copy the data to a new report worksheet and remove columns E & F.


使用某种形式的数组和一些简单的数学运算可以实现更自动化的方法.我选择了一个字典对象,以便使用它的索引 Key 来识别前四个字母标识符中的模式.

A more automated approach could be achieved with some form of array and some simple mathematical operations. I've chosen a dictionary object in order to take use of its indexed Key to recognize patterns in the first four alphabetic identifiers.

要使用脚本字典,您需要进入 VBE 的工具 ► 参考并添加 Microsoft 脚本运行时.没有它,下面的代码将无法编译.

To use a scripting dictionary, you need to go into the VBE's Tools ► References and add Microsoft Scripting Runtime. The following code will not compile without it.


The following has been adjusted for dynamic columns of keys and integers.

Sub rad_collection()
    Dim rw As Long, nc As Long, sTMP As String, v As Long, vTMP As Variant
    Dim i As Long, iNumKeys As Long, iNumInts As Long
    Dim dRADs As New Scripting.Dictionary

    dRADs.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    iNumKeys = 5    'possibly calculated by num text (see below)
    iNumInts = 2    'possibly calculated by num ints (see below)

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet4").Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
        'iNumKeys = Application.CountA(.Rows(2)) - Application.Count(.Rows(2))  'alternate count of txts
        'iNumInts = Application.Count(.Rows(2))    'alternate count of ints
        For rw = 2 To .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
                vTMP = .Cells(rw, 1).Resize(1, iNumKeys).Value2
                sTMP = Join(Application.Index(vTMP, 1, 0), Chr(183))
                If Not dRADs.Exists(sTMP) Then
                    dRADs.Add Key:=sTMP, Item:=Join(Application.Index(.Cells(rw, iNumKeys + 1).Resize(1, iNumInts).Value2, 1, 0), Chr(183))
                    vTMP = Split(dRADs.Item(sTMP), Chr(183))
                    For v = LBound(vTMP) To UBound(vTMP)
                        vTMP(v) = vTMP(v) + .Cells(rw, iNumKeys + 1 + v).Value2
                    Next v
                    dRADs.Item(sTMP) = Join(vTMP, Chr(183))
                End If

        Next rw

        rw = 1
        nc = iNumKeys + iNumInts + 1
        .Cells(rw, nc + 1).CurrentRegion.ClearContents  'clear previous
        .Cells(rw, nc + 1).Resize(1, nc - 1) = .Cells(rw, 1).Resize(1, nc - 1).Value2
        For Each vTMP In dRADs.Keys
            'Debug.Print vTMP & "|" & dRADs.Item(vTMP)
            rw = rw + 1
            .Cells(rw, nc + 1).Resize(1, iNumKeys) = Split(vTMP, Chr(183))
            .Cells(rw, nc + iNumKeys + 1).Resize(1, iNumInts) = Split(dRADs.Item(vTMP), Chr(183))
            .Cells(rw, nc + iNumKeys + 1).Resize(1, iNumInts) = _
              .Cells(rw, nc + iNumKeys + 1).Resize(1, iNumInts).Value2
        Next vTMP
    End With

    dRADs.RemoveAll: Set dRADs = Nothing

End Sub


Just run the macro against the numbers you have provided as samples. I've assumed some form of column header labels in the first row. The dictionary object is populated and duplicates in the combined identifiers have their numbers summed. All that is left is to split them back up and return them to the worksheet in an unused area.

Microsoft 脚本运行时的位置 - 在 Visual Basic 编辑器(又名 VBE)中,选择工具 ► 参考(Alt+T,R)然后向下滚动超过一半即可找到它.

Location of Microsoft Scripting Runtime - In the Visual Basic Editor (aka VBE) choose Tools ► References (Alt+T,R) and scroll down a little more than halfway to find it.


