在 jQueryMobile 中触摸后悬停效果保持不变效果、jQueryMobile

由网友(月下弄人醉)分享简介:我正在使用 jQueryMobile 在 phonegap 中开发应用程序,仅适用于移动设备.我在其中搜索图标.当用户触摸它时,我想在该图标上赋予悬停效果.I'm developiong application in phonegap with jQueryMobile for mobile devices only...

我正在使用 jQueryMobile 在 phonegap 中开发应用程序,仅适用于移动设备.我在其中搜索图标.当用户触摸它时,我想在该图标上赋予悬停效果.

I'm developiong application in phonegap with jQueryMobile for mobile devices only. In which I've search icon. I want to give hover effect on that icon when user touchs it.

我已经通过 css 实现了这一点:

I've achived this by css:

<a href="search.html" class="custom_header" >

    .custom_header:hover {
        background:url('../images/effect_glow.png') no-repeat center;


Now the problem is this hover effect stays after touch. I want behaviour like mousein and mouseout. In this case effect stays even that part is not touching.


How to remove hover effect after finger get off on it?


您可能知道这一点,但 :hover 在触摸屏设备上不存在.因此,当您设计一个响应式网站时,您应该仔细计划何时何地使用 :hover 交互.

You maybe know this but :hover doesn’t exist on touch screen devices. So when you design a responsive website, you should carefully plan when and where to use :hover interactions.

虽然它是在移动设备上实现的,但它的漏洞非常多,主要是在 iOS 设备上.另一方面,您不能使用 :focus,因为它只能用于支持焦点的元素,因此排除了标签和按钮.:active 也不适用于移动设备.

While it is implemented on mobile devices it is extremely buggy, mostly on iOS devices. On the other end you cant use :focus because it can be used only on a elements that support focus so a tags and buttons are ruled out. Also :active is no go on mobile devices.

在这种情况下,我们可以使用 jQuery 来解决这个问题.

In this case we can use jQuery to remedy this problem.


在这个例子中,我使用了 vmousedownvmouseupvmousecancel 事件,所以我可以在桌面/移动设备上测试它.只需将它们替换为 touchstarttouchendtouchcancel>.

In this example I have used vmousedown, vmouseup and vmousecancel events so I can test it on desktop / mobile devices alike. Just replace them with touchstart, touchend and touchcancel.

touchcancel/vmousecancel 是必需的,因为有时按钮可以保持按下状态.

touchcancel / vmousecancel is needed because sometimes button can stay in pressed state.


$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#index', function(){ 
    $(document).on('touchstart','.custom_header' ,function(){
        $(".custom_header").css("background","url('https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230907/6580.png.jpg') no-repeat center");
    }).on('touchend', function(){
    }).on("touchcancel", function() {

