跨平台的3D引擎中的iOS / Android的浏览嵌入?引擎、平台、Android、iOS

由网友(我的心°谢绝访问)分享简介:有关我的新的应用程序,我想有一个原生的iOS或Android的用户界面,再加上三维视图,显示一些图表。虽然我使用CSS最初的计划转换成在一个web视图,以达到理想的3D效果失败,因为表现并不附近可用的任何地方,我正在寻找另一种解决方案。以下是我认为我的选择是:For my new app, I want to hav...


For my new app, I want to have a native iOS or Android UI, plus a 3d view that shows some graphs. While my initial plan to use CSS transforms in a WebView to achieve the desired 3d effect has failed because the performance was not anywhere near usable, I'm looking for another solution. Here are what I think are my options:

1。重新创建现场的OpenGL ES 我彻底重建我们的图形引擎在OpenGL。这当然是可能的,但可能是很难做到的人喜欢我究竟是谁之前从未做过的3D节目。有没有可能来港的OpenGL code为iOS写入到Android?或将我必须创建发动机两次?

1. Recreate the scene in OpenGL ES I'd recreate our graphing engine completely in OpenGL. This would certainly be possible, but probably be very hard to do for people like me who actually never did 3d programming before. Would it be possible to port OpenGL code written for iOS to Android? Or would I have to create the engine twice?

2。使用现成的3D引擎像Unity3d 我绊了Unity3d,果酱和类似工具,可能会帮助我更轻松地创建的3D场景。然而,似乎在乍看之下像我就必须创建在各自的创作系统整个应用程序。我倒是要使用本机的控制任何东西,除了3D视图。这有可能在这些工具?如果是的话,是有可能从端口的iOS的3D到Android或反之亦然?

2. Use readymade 3d engine like Unity3d I stumbled over Unity3d, Marmalade and similar tools that would probably help me create the 3d scenes more easily. However, it seems at a first glance like I would have to create the entire application in the respective authoring system. I'd to use native controls for anything except the 3d view. Is that possible in those tools? If yes, is it possible to port the 3d from iOS to Android or vice versa?


Did I ask the right questions; did I make the correct assumptions? Does anything sound wrong to you? What did I miss?


Are these all the options I have? Or is there maybe something else, a hybrid solution of some sorts?


Which option should I choose?


To clarify, I don't want to show iOS or android controls inside the 3d view, but rather around it: The user interface would be native and the 3d part would be contained inside one view.


pretty的复杂的; - )

Pretty complex one ;-)


我认为这将是可能写的OpenGL的code中的主要部分的方式,它是便携式的,例如使用Objective-C ++ iOS和NDK在Android(只是一个想法在C ++中,从来没有使用过NDK )。现在,它依赖于图形部分哪里去了。如果你说的图形,你的意思是,你只需要函数图像绘制在屏幕上?或者你有一个像多个对象的游戏或应用程序的架构在OpenGL中显示?

I think it would be possible to write the major part of the OpenGL code in a way that it is portable for example in C++ using Objective-C++ on iOS and NDK on Android (just an idea, never used NDK). Now it depends on the graphical part where to go. If you say graphs, do you mean you "only" need function graphs to plot on the screen? Or do you have more objects like in games or architectural apps to display in OpenGL?


If the latter is the case, the bigger problem appears to be the seamless integration of models. Every scene containing more than some cubes is designed in a modelling tool and can be exported into several formats (obj, dae, fbx, ...). But then you need to import it into your app. That's where game engines come to play regardless whether Unity, SIO2, Bork, Unreal, Oolong, ...


If you need to plot graphs, the manual OpenGL solution might be worth to consider. Although even then some research on existing engine maybe useful because OpenGL isn't that intuitive and you will need some time to make friends. I did plotting multiple graphs with zooming, coloring, ... in an iPhone app using OpenGL directly but it was a pure research project and portability was less important.



Basically it's not possible to display a standard UIButton within an OpenGL view. But you can have OpenGL views and regular UI views and switch between them. I don't know of any tool that allows you doing both OpenGL based stuff and regular GUI programming and further on platform independent.

因此​​,一方面需要建立在你所选择的工具,您的3D的东西,然后集成了本地UI code。对于团结和iOS有一些资源怎么办呢How原生地访问统一的资产在Android或iPhone?或Mixing团结产生code与Objective-C的iOS中?

So on one hand you need to create your 3D stuff in the tool of your choice and then integrate native UI code. For Unity and iOS there some resources how to do it How to access Unity assets natively on Android or iPhone? or Mixing Unity generated code with Objective-C in iOS?


On the other hand you will need a platform independent framework to get regular GUI programming done so that you can run it on both Android and iOS. I am not familiar with this topic but I've heard from Mono based frameworks.


