
由网友(老板,来一盘番茄炒西紅柿)分享简介:当我试图建立在Mac OS 10.7.3我的C库,我使用Android的SDK-mac2.2,SDK工具的版本是12,并使用Android的NDK-R6,当我完成了我的编译,它说when I tried to build my c library on mac os 10.7.3 , I use android-sd...

当我试图建立在Mac OS 10.7.3我的C库,我使用Android的SDK-mac2.2,SDK工具的版本是12,并使用Android的NDK-R6,当我完成了我的编译,它说

when I tried to build my c library on mac os 10.7.3 , I use android-sdk-mac2.2 ,sdk tools version is 12 , and use android-ndk-r6,when I finished my compiling , it said

ranlib的:警告图书馆*** libsystem.a表的内容为空(库中没有目标文件的成员定义全局符号)

ranlib: warning for library ***libsystem.a the table of contents is empty (no object file members in the library define global symbols)


is anyone knowing why ? and what should I do to compile successfully ?

因为我试图用这个LIB system.a,和它说无法读取符号:归档中没有指数运行跑到LIB添加一个。非常感谢 。

because I tried to use this lib system.a , and it said could not read symbols :Archive has no index , run ran lib to add one . thanks very much .


不知道这是你的情况,但我的Makefile用硬codeD ranlib的到/ usr / bin中/ ranlib的。显然,在Mac ranlib的是不与Android兼容ranlib的

Not sure if this is your situation, but the Makefile I was using hard-coded ranlib to /usr/bin/ranlib. Apparently the Mac ranlib is not compatible with the Android ranlib.


