
由网友(散场已成独白)分享简介:我想继续我的顶级.wxs干,同时建立32位和64位的安装程序。我现在用的是-arch参数candle.exe来控制默认的安装架构得到建立。I would like to keep my top level .wxs DRY while building 32 and 64 bit installers. I am u...


I would like to keep my top level .wxs DRY while building 32 and 64 bit installers. I am using the -arch argument to candle.exe to control what default installer architecture is getting built.


The wall I am hitting right now is that it appears the ProgramFilesFolder is different between 32 and 64bit (ProgramFiles64Folder) architectures. Here is my first attempt to work around:

<?if $(sys.BUILDARCH)=x64 ?>
<Directory Id='ProgramFiles64Folder' Name='PFiles'>
<?else ?>
<Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
<?endif ?>
    <Directory Id='the-rest' Name="Company Name">


I tried this with an error. Apparently the XML validation is fired before the preprocessor is evaluated. When I manually change to use ProgramFiles64Folder my build works.


I tried to go down the DirectoryRef route without success. Any suggestions on getting this to work without doing a sed replace within the .wxs file?


Note: I tried this in Wix 3.5 and 3.6.


而不是条件包括开幕目录元素(该XML无效),有条件地设置$ P $这是用来作为目录名,因为@Daniel普拉特的评论是指pprocessor变量。同样,有一个是/否可变空调的平台可以很容易地设置64位组件,注册表搜索,等等。

Rather than conditionally including the opening Directory elements (which invalidates the XML), conditionally set preprocessor variables which are used as directory names, as @Daniel Pratt's comment refers to. Similarly, having a "yes/no" variable conditioned on platform makes it easy to set up 64 bit components, registry searches, etc.


<?if $(var.Platform) = x64 ?>
  <?define ProductName = "Product Name (64 bit)" ?>
  <?define Win64 = "yes" ?>
  <?define PlatformProgramFilesFolder = "ProgramFiles64Folder" ?>
<?else ?>
  <?define ProductName = "Product Name" ?>
  <?define Win64 = "no" ?>
  <?define PlatformProgramFilesFolder = "ProgramFilesFolder" ?>
<?endif ?>

$(var.Platform)是内置的,但它的值是用来定义自定义变量 $(var.ProductName) $(var.Win64) $(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder)

$(var.Platform) is built-in, but its value is used to define custom variables $(var.ProductName), $(var.Win64) and $(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder).

您既可以使用preprocessor ​​&LT;如果指令,以测试变量的值(如用 $进行(var.Platform )定义,当自变量以上)或有preprocessor插入变量的值转换成XML属性或元素值。几个例子:

You can either use preprocessor <?if directives to test variables' values (as is done with $(var.Platform) when defining the custom variables above) or have the preprocessor insert variables' values into XML attribute or element values. Couple of examples:

<Component Id="..." Win64="$(var.Win64)">

这将产生在Visual Studio WiX的编辑约 $(var.Win64)警告不是允许的属性值中的一个( / 没有),但这些可以忽略,因为preprocessor将已编译器得到它保持的时间取代适当的值

This will produce warnings in the Visual Studio WiX editor about $(var.Win64) not being one of the allowable attribute values (yes/no) but these can be safely ignored, because the preprocessor will have substituted an appropriate value by the time the compiler gets hold of it.

<Directory Id="$(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder)">



Update to handle separate 32/64 bit product codes

In response to rharrison33's comment asking how to handle the requirement for different product codes (or pretty much anything) in the 32 and 64 bit installers (assuming you can't/don't want to auto-generate them):


candle <all other flags> -d ProductCode32=<guid1> -d ProductCode64=<guid2>

添加产品code为您的体系结构相关的preprocessor变量之一,并将其​​设置为相应的输入变量: 在32位&LT;如果&GT; 分支:???&LT;定义产品code =$(VAR 。产品code32)&GT; 在64位&LT;如果&GT; 分支:???&LT;定义产品code =$(VAR 。产品code64)&GT;

Add a product code as one of your architecture-dependent preprocessor variables, and set it to the appropriate input variable: In the 32-bit <?if ?> branch: <?define ProductCode = "$(var.ProductCode32)" ?> In the 64-bit <?if ?> branch: <?define ProductCode = "$(var.ProductCode64)" ?>


Made this CW because Daniel's link answers the question and has a lot more great info besides.


