
由网友(我们可不可以不忧伤)分享简介:我在写一些code,允许用户远程管理IIS7。引擎盖下的这增加了授权规则 C:\ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ INETSRV \设置\ administration.config 在以下配置部分:I'm writing some code to permit users to remotely mana...

我在写一些code,允许用户远程管理IIS7。引擎盖下的这增加了授权规则 C: WINDOWS SYSTEM32 INETSRV 设置 administration.config 在以下配置部分:

I'm writing some code to permit users to remotely manage IIS7. Under the bonnet this adds authorisation rules to c:windowssystem32inetsrvconfigadministration.config under the following config section:

system.webServer /管理/授权/ authorizationRules

我使用了 Microsoft.Web.Administration 集和命名空间与code类似以下内容:

I'm using the Microsoft.Web.Administration assembly and namespace with code similar to the following:

using Microsoft.Web.Management.Server;
ManagementAuthorization.Grant("MySiteUser, "My Web Site", false);


This code throws an exception if run in a 32 bit process, if built as 64 bit it runs fine:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled
  Message=Filename: ?C:Windowssystem32inetsrvconfigadministration.config
Error: The configuration section 'system.webServer/management/authorization' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration`

然而其他的服务器管理任务,使用 Microsoft.Web.Administration 集和命名空间的工作就好在32位进程,例如执行的:

However other server management tasks performed using the Microsoft.Web.Administration assembly and namespace work just fine in a 32 bit process, for example:

using Microsoft.Web.Administration;
int iisNumber = 60000;
using (ServerManager serverManager = new ServerManager())
  var site = serverManager.Sites.Where(s => s.Id == iisNumber).SingleOrDefault();
  if (site != null)


Both these assemblies appear in the GAC and are pure MSIL (even though there is a COM interop layer to talk directly to IIS7's underlying management mechanisms).

底层配置文件的applicationHost.config administration.config 只看到64位编辑器(如记事本.exe或NotePad2.exe),我怀疑这就是为什么我的code不能修改 administration.config 通过 Microsoft.Web 。管理

The underlying configuration files applicationHost.config and administration.config are only visible to 64 bit editors (e.g. notepad.exe or NotePad2.exe) and I suspect that this is why my code can't modify administration.config via the Microsoft.Web.Management

为何 Microsoft.Web.Administration 让我读/修改的applicationHost.config 在32位过程,但是 Microsoft.Web.Management 只能读取/修改 administration.config 如果在64位进程中运行?

Why does the Microsoft.Web.Administration allow me to read/modify applicationHost.config in a 32 bit process but Microsoft.Web.Management can only read/modify administration.config if run in a 64 bit process?


I am unable to recompile my project to target x64 because there is a dependency on a 32bit COM library that we don't have source for. I can build a work around which would involve making calls to an out of process 64 bit WCF app (or some such similar thing) but would prefer not to.



After some digging it looks like this is a bug:


This forum thread and a post by Carlos Aguilar explains all:


现在我明白了这个问题,是什么   发生的是,卡西尼号是一个32位   在一个联合进程,   在我们的配置错误让我们尝试   加载重定向SYSWOW   (代替SYSTEM32),这是   我们之所以不能找到   administration.config。运行在64   位过程中减轻了问题   原因有没有神奇重定向   我们去正确的文件夹。

Now I understand the issue, what is happening is that Cassini is a 32 bit process and that in conjunction of a bug in our configuration makes us try to load the "redirected" syswow (instead of system32) which is the reason why we cannot find administration.config. Running in 64 bit process alleviates the problem cause there is no "magic" redirection and we go to the right folder.


Any 32 bit process is going to encounter this roadhump.


