
由网友(正宗傻白甜)分享简介:我是谁刚开始学习3D编程一个真正的菜鸟,我有一个很艰难的时间来学习在3D空间中旋转。我的问题是,我似乎无法弄清楚如何使用它的本地坐标旋转对象。I'm a real noob who just started learning 3d programming and i have a really hard time l...


I'm a real noob who just started learning 3d programming and i have a really hard time learning about rotation in 3D space. My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to rotate an object using it's local coordinates.


I have a basic class for 3d objects and, for starters, i want to implement functions that will rotate the object on a certain axis with x degrees. So far i have the following:

 public void RollDeg(float angle)
        this.rotation = Matrix4.Mult(rotation, 

    public void PitchDeg(float angle)
        this.rotation = Matrix4.Mult(rotation, 

    public void YawDeg(float angle)
        this.rotation = Matrix4.Mult(rotation,


'rotation' is a 4x4 matrix which starts as the identity matrix. Each time i want to roll/pitch/yaw the object, i call one of the functions above.

有关图纸,我用另外一个功能是推动一个矩阵到模型视图堆栈,与对象的平移,旋转和缩放矩阵相乘(按顺序),并开始绘制顶点。 ofcourse,我终于弹出矩阵堆栈。

for drawing, i use another function that pushes a matrix onto the ModelView stack, multiplies it with the translation, rotation and scale matrices of the object (in this order) and begins drawing the vertices. ofcourse, finally i pop the matrix off the stack.


the problem is that the functions above rotate the object on the GLOBAL axis, not on the LOCAL ones, even if, from my understanding, every time you rotate an object, the local system changes it's axis and then, when a new rotation is applyied on top of the others, the local axis are used for the new one.


i read different tutorials about the math behind it and how to rotate objects, but i couldn't find one the could help me.

如果有人有时间,我会很AP preciate是否可以帮助我了解如何绕局部轴和,也许更重要的是,我做错了什么对我目前的执行情况。

if anyone has the time, i would really appreciate if he could help me understand HOW to rotate around local axis and, maybe even more important, what i did wrong on my current implementation.


如果您要执行的变换顺序是:翻译 - >旋转 - >规模(这使得完全意义上来说,什么是想要的通常情况下),你必须按相反的顺序乘以你的矩阵。

If you want to perform your transformations in this order : translation -> rotation -> scale (which makes perfectly sense, it's what's wanted usually), you have to multiply your matrices in the reverse order.


In a right-handed coordinate system (i.e. the one openGL uses), matrix multiplication must be performed from right to left. This is why :

ModelViewTransform =变换*查看*型号//< - 你开始通过模型,对吧?所以它是这样

ModelViewTransform = Transform * View * Model // <- you begin by the model, right ? so it's this way


Note that in directX they use a left-handed coordinate system. It has his shortcomings, but it's more intuitive.


