增加的消息框,字体大小在Microsoft Access 2013字体大小、消息、Microsoft、Access

由网友(你眼中盈盈月)分享简介:是否有可能通过VBA code,以提高访问2013的消息框中的字体大小?Is it possible to increase the font size of message box in Access 2013 via vba code?在此本有些用户是40岁以上。它们需要字体的更大尺寸以供查看。谢谢!Some...

是否有可能通过VBA code,以提高访问2013的消息框中的字体大小?

Is it possible to increase the font size of message box in Access 2013 via vba code?



Some users are over 40 years old. They require a bigger size of font for viewing. Thanks!



The font size of system error boxes is a system control and would need to be changed on all individual computers.


You could instead trap the error in VBA and display your own messages via a UserForm, which would allow you to control the message and the font.


If countDuplicate > 0 Then
    MsgBox _
        "A record of this Part ID already exist. No changes can be made.", _
        vbCritical, _
        "Duplicated Record"
End If


If countDuplicate > 0 Then
End If

其中, frm_AlreadyExists 是,您将创建并会让你上面列出的消息的形式。

Where frm_AlreadyExists is a form that you would create and would have the message you listed above.

这应该让你开始。为进一步,而不是有一个单独的用户窗体的每个错误,您可以创建将包含一个错误的表错误ID 错误信息错误类型错误标题列。

That should get you started. As a further step, instead of having a separate UserForm for each error, you could create an error table that would contain Error ID, Error Message, Error Type, Error Title columns.

Error ID    Error Message                 Error Type    Error Title         Button Action   Button Text
1           A record ... already exist.   Critical      Duplicated Record   SubName1        Click Here
2           ... not a valid EMPLOYEE      Critical      Invalid GID         SubName2        Click Here


If countDuplicate > 0 Then
    ErrorID = 1 'You'll need to declare this variable elsewhere in your code
End If


And the code to initialize the UserForm (in the UserForm code module)

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim lErrorID        As Long
    Dim sErrorMessage   As String
    Dim sErrorType      As String
    Dim sErrorTitle     As String
    Dim sBtnText        As String

    lErrorID = errorID

''Look up the following from the Error Table
    'sErrorMessage = Result from lookup
    'sErrorType = Result from lookup
    'sErrorTitle = Result from lookup
    'sBtnText = Result from lookup

    Me.lbl_ErrorMessage = sErrorMessage
    Me.img_ErrorType.Picture = "C:/File Location/" & sErrorType & ".jpg"
    Me.Caption = sErrorTitle
    Me.btn_Action.Caption = sBtnText
End Sub

而$ C $下按钮,点击

And the code for the button click

Private Sub btn_Action_Click()
    Dim sBtnAction      As String

''Look up the following from the Error Table
    'sBtnAction = Result from lookup

    Application.Run sBtnAction

End Sub


With this and some tweaking and messing with code, you can now have a custom error/message system that would allow you (or even the user) to set the font for the messages.


