我如何计算在ActionScript 3给定的十六进制颜色深浅?深浅、颜色、ActionScript、十六进制

由网友(魔鬼终结者)分享简介:我需要一种方法来计算基础上提供的一个更轻的十六进制颜色(S)。我知道我可以使用颜色变换,但是,我需要生成一个梯度的实际值。I need a way to calculate lighter hex color(s) based on a provided one. I realize I could use a co...


I need a way to calculate lighter hex color(s) based on a provided one. I realize I could use a color transform, but I need the actual value in order to generate a gradient.

在此先感谢您的帮助 -

Thanks in advance for any help -




Here's some stuff pulled out of my Color utils. Sounds like makeGradient might be useful to you.

     * Return a gradient given a color.
     * @param color      Base color of the gradient.
     * @param intensity  Amount to shift secondary color.
     * @return An array with a length of two colors.
    public static function makeGradient(color:uint, intensity:int = 20):Array
        var c:Object = hexToRGB(color);
        for (var key:String in c)
            c[key] += intensity;
            c[key] = Math.min(c[key], 255); // -- make sure below 255
            c[key] = Math.max(c[key], 0);   // -- make sure above 0
        return [color, RGBToHex(c)];

     * Convert a uint (0x000000) to a color object.
     * @param hex  Color.
     * @return Converted object {r:, g:, b:}
    public static function hexToRGB(hex:uint):Object
        var c:Object = {};

        c.a = hex >> 24 & 0xFF;
        c.r = hex >> 16 & 0xFF;
        c.g = hex >> 8 & 0xFF;
        c.b = hex & 0xFF;

        return c;

     * Convert a color object to uint octal (0x000000).
     * @param c  Color object {r:, g:, b:}.
     * @return Converted color uint (0x000000).
    public static function RGBToHex(c:Object):uint
        var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 0, c.r, c.g, c.b, 100);
        return ct.color as uint


Also, can't recall where I got this from but these static function will generate a harmony list given a color:

     * Convert RGB bits to a hexcode
     * @param r  Red bits
     * @param g  Green bits
     * @param b  Blue bits
     * @return A color as a uint
    public static function convertToHex(r:uint, g:uint, b:uint):uint
        var colorHexString:uint = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
        return colorHexString;

     * Get a series of complements of a given color.
     * @param color   Color to get harmonies for
     * @param weight  Threshold to apply to color harmonies, 0 - 255
    public static function getHarmonies(color:uint, weight:Number):Array
        var red:uint = color >> 16;
        var green:uint = (color ^ (red << 16)) >> 8;
        var blue:uint = (color ^ (red << 16)) ^ (green << 8);

        var colorHarmonyArray:Array = new Array();
        //weight = red+green+blue/3;

        colorHarmonyArray.push(convertToHex(red, green, weight));
        colorHarmonyArray.push(convertToHex(red, weight, blue));
        colorHarmonyArray.push(convertToHex(weight, green, blue));
        colorHarmonyArray.push(convertToHex(red, weight, weight));
        colorHarmonyArray.push(convertToHex(weight, green, weight));
        colorHarmonyArray.push(convertToHex(weight, weight, blue));

        return colorHarmonyArray;

