什么是运行在2003年和2007年Microsoft Access数据库的含义是什么?含义、数据库、Access、Microsoft

由网友(花开半夏凉城空)分享简介:什么是运行在2003年和2007年Microsoft Access数据库的含义是什么? What are the implications of running a Microsoft Access Database in both 2003 and 2007? 有一些I类忘了带?该项目始建于Office 200...

什么是运行在2003年和2007年Microsoft Access数据库的含义是什么?

What are the implications of running a Microsoft Access Database in both 2003 and 2007?


该项目始建于Office 2003中,然后在2007年运行的问题似乎发生时,它正在运行的机器上有2003年和2007年。这个问题也将出现从的Microsoft Access 12.0对象库(或的Microsoft Access 11.0对象库,2003年),参照干。看到这一点,只要看看工具:Refrences菜单中的VBA屏幕上。

The program was originally built in office 2003, and then run in 2007. Issues seem to happen when the machine it is being run on has both 2003 and 2007 on it. The issue would also appear to stem from reference from the "Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library" (or the "Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library" in 2003). To see this, just look at the Tools: Refrences menu on the VBA screen.


The error's symptom is basically the code not be recognized (almost like it doesn’t recognize the programming language I’m using). It usually follows this with a box that says "The expression On Load you entered as the event property settings produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events". You can also replace "On Load" with "On Click" for buttons or "On Change" for text boxes.

我个人怀疑是电脑走的是Microsoft Access中11.0 / 12.0对象库的部分,然后混合两成无用的VBA引用。哪些进一步证实了我的怀疑是两个,上面写着配置的Microsoft Access另一个问题是进一步证实了我的怀疑是它将运行哪一个是开业第一(2007年为例)之间,然后会在弹出的对话框不能在其他运行(2003继续例子)

I personally suspect that the computer is taking parts of the Microsoft Access 11.0/12.0 Object Library and then mixes the two into a useless VBA reference. What further confirms my suspicion is the box that pops up when going between the two that says "Configuring Microsoft Access" Another issue that further confirms my suspicion is it will run on whichever one it is opened on first (2007, for example) and then not run on the other (2003 continuing the example)

其他唯一的问题是我不得不修复被改变DoCmd.OpenForm ,,,,, acFormReadOnly(或acReadOnly的最后一部分,这取决于机器似乎觉得在那个特定的一天 - 是的,它会工作一个,一天,然后要我转用另一种)简单地锁定个人文本框

The only other issue is I have had to fix was changing the last part of the DoCmd.OpenForm ,,,,, acFormReadOnly (or acReadOnly, depending on how the machine seems to feel on that particular day - yes it would work with one, one day and then want me to switch it another) to simply locking the individual text boxes


Maybe it’s not quite coding, but I think it might be able to be fixed by coding.


Hopefully that’s enough for someone to come up with something.


微软的官方立场是,在同一台PC上安装多个Office版本不支持,不推荐,和Access 2007年似乎是专为证明给我们!

Microsoft's official position is that installing multiple office versions on the same pc is not supported and not recommended, and Access 2007 seems to be designed to prove that to us!


That said, you can avoid most issues by doing the following:

1 - 拆分分贝到后端和前端。放置后端(表和关系)的一个网络文件夹,并将在前端的每个用户的桌面上的副本(所有其他对象)。

1 - Splitting the db into a back end and front end. Place the back end (tables and relationships) in a network folder, and place a copy of the front end (all other objects) on each user's desktop.

2 - 这是最好的,使前端的MDE避免引用洗牌每次打开其他版本的Access数据库时

2 - It's best to make the front end an mde to avoid the references shuffle every time you open the db in the other version of Access.

3 - 创建打开与访问所需版本前端的快捷方式,以便它的总是的打开与该版本。 (记住使用快捷键!)在快捷方式的目标:

3 - Create a shortcut to open the front end with the desired version of Access so it's always opened with that version. (And remember to use the shortcut!) In the shortcut's target:

访问12 MSACCESS.EXE路径,路径db.mdb

"path to Access 12 msaccess.exe" "path to db.mdb"


