
由网友(我曾路过你的心)分享简介:我有一个联想平板电脑与Windows 8.1前置和后置摄像头。后置摄像头为IMX175也应该支持3280 * 2464像素。I have a Lenovo tablet with Windows 8.1 with front and rear cameras.The rear camera is IMX175 a...

我有一个联想平板电脑与Windows 8.1前置和后置摄像头。 后置摄像头为IMX175也应该支持3280 * 2464像素。

I have a Lenovo tablet with Windows 8.1 with front and rear cameras. The rear camera is IMX175 and should supports 3280*2464 pixels.

当我打电话setMode这些方面我从来没有得到对方(在Camera.width /高),但一些较小的数字。

When I call setMode with those dimensions I never got them back (in Camera.width/height) but some lower numbers.

在IE浏览器(11)我得到1280 * 960

In IE (11) I get 1280*960

在Chrome浏览器,我得到1920 * 1440

In Chrome I get 1920*1440


I tried to change the frame rate to several options, set the stage.quality to StageQuality.BEST.

任何帮助将AP preciated

Any help will be appreciated


有凸轮规格,Flash播放器并影响最终的最大分辨率浏览器之间的几个原因。我不认为,你将能够充分​​(照片)分辨率的IMX175的连接到视频对象... 在过去,我写这个剧本来检测摄像头的实际可能的解决方案闪光灯。

There are several reasons between the cam-specifications, flash-player and browsers which affect the final maximal resolution. I dont think, you'll able to attach the full (foto)resolution of the IMX175 to a video-object... In the past I wrote this script to detect the real possible resolutions of webcams in flash.

function testCams():void
    var camNames:Array = Camera.names;

    for (var i:int; i< camNames.length; i++)
        var camName:String = camNames[i];

        var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera(i.toString());
        var camMaxWidth:Number = cam.width;
        var camMaxHeight:Number = cam.width;
        trace("Maxima w,h: ",camMaxWidth,camMaxHeight);
        cam.setMode(camMaxWidth,camMaxWidth/4*3, 100);
        trace("Maximum 4:3 w,h: ",cam.width,cam.height);
        cam.setMode(camMaxWidth,camMaxWidth/16*9, 100);
        trace("Maximum 16:9 w,h: ",cam.width,cam.height);

        trace("Maximum fps: ",cam.fps);



Test your cams and look what mode is possible. Greetings.


