退格问题,在Flex应用程序对IE 8和IE 11应用程序、问题、Flex、IE

由网友(余生一个你)分享简介:这个问题是众所周知的,在IE浏览器的一些疯狂的原因,退格键是用来回去你的历史记录导航。在Flex Web应用程序有时这种微软的错误出现,这是一个非常不好的头疼,解决透明和简便的方法。This problem is well known that in IE for some crazy reason Backspac...

这个问题是众所周知的,在IE浏览器的一些疯狂的原因,退格键是用来回去你的历史记录导航。在Flex Web应用程序有时这种微软的错误出现,这是一个非常不好的头疼,解决透明和简便的方法。

This problem is well known that in IE for some crazy reason Backspace is used to go back your history navigation. In flex web applications sometimes this microsoft bug appears and it is a very bad headache to solve in a transparent and easy way.

通常,当您正在编辑的文本和文本区域或为TextInput TabNavigator容器内,或者您正在编辑的文本和文本区域出现这个问题是在一个弹出窗口。

Usually this problem occurs when you are editing text and textarea or textinput is inside TabNavigator container or you are editing text and textarea is inside a popup window.



I have a better answer to this problem. Yury's answer didn't help in my case. What did help was editing the adobe's history.js file:


Near the top of the file they check the useragent:

} else if (useragent.indexOf("msie") != -1 ) {
    browser.ie = true;
    browser.version = parseFloat(useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('msie') + 4));

我注意到,这是不捡的Internet Explorer,因为用户代理现在说的不是MSIEMozilla的。

I noticed that it wasn't picking up Internet Explorer, since the useragent now says "mozilla" instead of msie.

} else if  (useragent.match(/msie|trident|edge/) ) {
        browser.ie = true;
       browser.version = useragent.indexOf('msie') < 0 ? 7 :  parseFloat(useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('msie') + 4));


I'm just setting the version to be 7 if it matches trident or edge because this version of adobe's code only checks for 7 or less.


