Flex 4.5中你如何检查JSON子节点存在的关键(使用的hasOwnProperty或其他方法)节点、中你、存在、关键

由网友(假面i)分享简介:你如何检查JSON子节点存在的关键在Flex 4.5中使用的hasOwnProperty(或其他方式)? How do you check for JSON child node key existence using hasOwnProperty (or other methods) in Flex 4.5? 在...

你如何检查JSON子节点存在的关键在Flex 4.5中使用的hasOwnProperty(或其他方式)?

How do you check for JSON child node key existence using hasOwnProperty (or other methods) in Flex 4.5?

的hasOwnProperty 方法可以检查JSON键的存在,但这似乎只在一个JSON顶级节点,而不是子节点的工作。例如,如果你有JSON的结构是这样的(可读的形式,SAN的JSON语法),你可以检查的 callresponder.lastResponse.hasOwnKey(位置)的存在,但似乎没有办法检查 Location.VenueName 例如:

The hasOwnProperty method can check for JSON key existence but this seems to only work with top level nodes in a JSON, and not the child nodes. For example, if you have JSON structure like this (in a readable form, sans the JSON syntax), you can check for the existence of callresponder.lastResponse.hasOwnKey("Location"), but there seems no way to check for Location.VenueName for example or any of the children:

  (child) VenueName: 
  (child) Address: 
      (child) City: 
      (child) State: 
  . (etc)


The issue is that my data source omits the child key when the information is not available, so it would be nice to be able to check for the existence of the JSON key in a reference in Flex before doing anything else for it.

最明显的 callresponder.lastResponse.hasOwnKey(Location.VenueName)不起作用。

问:我如何检查JSON键 Location.VenueName 的存在?

Q: How would I check if the JSON key Location.VenueName exists?





Which should work.