
由网友(仙女味的小可爱)分享简介:我的作品用Flex 4.5,我想创建一个自定义的DropDownList。事实上,我想在我的DropDownList的一个标签和一个删除按钮的每一行显示。我们的目标是删除对点击行删除按钮。这看起来像简单的,但我没有找到如何做到这一点。I works with Flex 4.5 and I like to crea...

我的作品用Flex 4.5,我想创建一个自定义的DropDownList。事实上,我想在我的DropDownList的一个标签和一个删除按钮的每一行显示。 我们的目标是删除对点击行删除按钮。 这看起来像简单的,但我没有找到如何做到这一点。

I works with Flex 4.5 and I like to create a custom dropdownlist. Indeed, I'd like to show in each line on my dropdownlist a label and a delete button. The goal is to delete the line on click to delete button. This look like simple, but I don't found how to do that.



您必须通过几个铁圈跳了这一个,因为DropDownList的prevents任何 MouseEvent.CLICK 从内部的ItemRenderer的一个对象被解雇了。

You have to jump through a few hoops for this one because DropDownList prevents any MouseEvent.CLICK from an object inside an ItemRenderer from being fired.


First things first: you will need a custom event for this to work. One that carries your item or at least its index. e.g.:

public class ItemEvent extends Event {
    public static const REMOVE:String = "itemRemove";

    public var item:MyClass;

    public function ItemEvent(type:String, item:MyClass, 
                              cancelable:Boolean=false) {
        super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
        this.item = item;

    override public function clone():Event {
        return new ItemEvent(type, item, bubbles, cancelable);



Then you create a custom ItemRenderer with a 'delete' Button that will dispatch this event.

<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 

            private function remove():void {
                    new ItemEvent(ItemEvent.REMOVE, data as MyClass)

    <s:Label id="labelDisplay" verticalCenter="0" left="10" />

    <s:Button verticalCenter="0" right="10" width="16" height="16"
              mouseDown="remove()" />



Important here is that you catch the MOUSE_DOWN event of the Button, since its CLICK event doesn't fire (as mentioned before). The owner property of the ItemRenderer refers to the List it is a child of.


Now the last piece of the puzzle. Here's your DropDownList with custom ItemRenderer:

<s:DropDownList id="myDropDownList" dataProvider="{dp}"
                itemRenderer="MyItemRenderer" />


And here's how you listen for that custom event and remove the selected item:

myDropDownList.addEventListener(ItemEvent.REMOVE, removeSelectedItem);

private function removeSelectedItem(event:ItemEvent):void {
    var items:IList = myDropDownList.dataProvider;
    var index:int = items.getItemIndex(event.item);

由于我们抓住了MOUSE_DOWN,而不是点击 myDropDownList.selectedIndex 属性仍然会在previously选择的项目(或-1,如果没有被选中)。这就是为什么我们需要自定义事件,因为当时的会心没有其他的办法是要删除的项目。

Because we caught the MOUSE_DOWN instead of CLICK the myDropDownList.selectedIndex property will still be at the previously selected item (or -1 if none was selected). This is why we needed the custom event, because there was no other way of knowing which is the item you want to remove.


