AS3 / AIR的readObject()从插座 - 你如何检查所有的数据已经被接收?有的、插座、数据、AIR

由网友(顾屿安歌)分享简介:如果你写一个简单的对象到套接字:If you write a simple object to a socket:var o:Object = new Object();o.type = e.type;o.params = e.params;_socket.writeObject(o);_socket.fl...


If you write a simple object to a socket:

var o:Object = new Object();
o.type = e.type;
o.params = e.params;


Then on the client do you simply use:

private function onData(e:ProgressEvent):void
    var o:Object = _clientSocket.readObject();

还是你必须实现检查所有数据的某种方式调用之前已收到:收到 .readObject()




If you're confident that your object will fit into one packet, you can do something like:

var fromServer:ByteArray = new ByteArray;

while( socket.bytesAvailable )
    socket.readBytes( fromServer );

fromServer.position = 0;
var myObj:* = fromServer.readObject();


If you have the possibility of having multiple packet messages, then a common usage is to prepend the message with the length of the message. Something like (pseudo code):

var fromServer:ByteArray    = new ByteArray();
var msgLen:int              = 0;

while ( socket.bytesAvailable > 0 )
    // if we don't have a message length, read it from the stream
    if ( msgLen == 0 )
        msgLen = socket.readInt();

    // if our message is too big for one push
    var toRead:int  = ( msgLen > socket.bytesAvailable ) ? socket.bytesAvailable : msgLen;
    msgLen          -= toRead; // msgLen will now be 0 if it's a full message

    // read the number of bytes that we want.
    // fromServer.length will be 0 if it's a new message, or if we're adding more
    // to a previous message, it'll be appended to the end
    socket.readBytes( fromServer, fromServer.length, toRead );

    // if we still have some message to come, just break
    if ( msgLen != 0 )

    // it's a full message, create your object, then clear fromServer


Having your socket able to read like this will mean that multiple packet messages will be read properly as well as the fact that you won't miss any messages where 2 small messages are sent almost simultaneously (as the first message will treat it all as one message, thereby missing the second one)


