AS3 AIR应用程序与HMACSHA512加密应用程序、AIR

由网友(别拿真心去喂狗)分享简介:你好我开发一个AIR应用程序,它通过使用HMACSHA512加密标准的一个HTTP API需要消息验证和签名。Hi I'm developing an Air App that requires authentication and signing of messages via a http api using t...

你好我开发一个AIR应用程序,它通过使用HMACSHA512加密标准的一个HTTP API需要消息验证和签名。

Hi I'm developing an Air App that requires authentication and signing of messages via a http api using the HMACSHA512 Encryption standard.

我发现了一个AS3的库,它看起来货物 < /一>,但其ppared Flex和我有很多的麻烦试图让它在空气/闪存IDE工作和/或提取的核心功能,我需要。是$ P $

I've found an AS3 library which looks the goods at but its been prepared for flex and I've had a lot of trouble trying to get it to work under Air/Flash IDE and/or extracting the core functions I need.

这将是非常美妙的,如果有人可以帮助我得到的火焰库/ SWC通过Flash IDE与workine简单的例子code加载加密邮件'你好'像...

It would be fantastic if someone could help me getting the flame library / swc loaded via the flash IDE with workine simple example code for encrypting the message 'hello' something like...

import flame.crypto.HMACSHA512;
var test:HMACSHA512 = new HMACSHA512(ByteArrayUtil.fromHexString('mySecretKey'));
trace('encrypted output = ' + test.encryptString('hello'));


Thanks in advance!


由于动作和JavaScript基于ECMAScript,你总是可以(而且几乎总是很容易),通过JavaScript口东西。 例如实现加密算法。

Since actionscript and javascript based on ECMAScript, you can always(and almost always easily) port something from javascript. For example implementation of encryption algorithm.

不过!有人曾这样已经完成。 SEE如何

But! Someone had this already done. SEE HOW


