
由网友(ぺ書冩時光)分享简介:当我去打印机和传真对话框,我可以点击添加打印机链接,选择网​​络打印机 ,那么在目录中查找打印机。从那里,我得到一个对话框,让我发现企业中的所有打印机。 When I go to Printers and Faxes dialog, I can click the Add a printer link, select...

当我去打印机和传真对话框,我可以点击添加打印机链接,选择网​​络打印机 ,那么在目录中查找打印机。从那里,我得到一个对话框,让我发现企业中的所有打印机。

When I go to Printers and Faxes dialog, I can click the Add a printer link, select Network Printer, then Find a printer in the directory. From there I get a dialog box which lets me find ALL printers in the enterprise.


I need to find all the network printers with my code. How can I do this?


Note that I am not talking about network printers that are connected to my PC, but all network printers in the enterprise (my workplace has almost 4000 printers).


P.S. PrintServer().GetPrintQueues only returns printers attached to the computer.

P.P.S。这里是什么,我希望有一个简短的视频: http://www.angryhacker.com/toys /FindAllPrinters/FindAllPrinters.html

P.P.S. Here is a short video of what I want: http://www.angryhacker.com/toys/FindAllPrinters/FindAllPrinters.html


的 DirectorySearche R,其中的 (对象类=打印机) (objectClass的=打印队列)应该做的伎俩。

DirectorySearcher with a filter for (objectClass=printer) (objectClass=printQueue)should do the trick.

using (var e = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=example,DC=com"))
    using (var s = new DirectorySearcher(e)) {
        s.Filter = "(objectClass=printQueue)";

        using (var c = s.FindAll()) {
            WL("Returned {0} objects", c.Count);
            foreach (SearchResult r in c) {
                WL("{0}", r.Path);