



        私人VAR点:数组= []; //存储的舞台影片剪辑
        私人VAR模式:数组= []; //由用户输入的模式
        私人VAR通:数组= [1,4,7,8,5,2,5] //正确的方式进行

            点= [一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九]; //在舞台中添加剪辑

            VAR dotsLength:INT = dots.length;

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dotsLength;我++)
                点[I] .addEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,initiatePattern);
                点[I] .addEventListener(侦听MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopPattern);

        / *添加一个鼠标监听器,并用它来点的号码添加到图案* /

            VAR dotsLength:INT = dots.length;

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dotsLength;我++)
                点[I] .addEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,addPattern);

            pattern.push(dots.indexOf(e.target)+1); //添加剪辑加一的数组索引号,因为数组是从0开始

            pattern.push(dots.indexOf(e.target)+1); //加上鼠标模式在

            VAR dotsLength:INT = dots.length;

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dotsLength;我++)
                点[I] .removeEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,addPattern);


            VAR pLength:INT = pass.length;
            VAR正确:= 0;

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< pLength;我++)//比较用户阵列中输入到通数组中的每个号码
                如果(通过[I] ==模式[I])

            如果(正确的== pLength)//如果数组比赛
              影片剪辑(根).LockScreen.visible = FALSE;
              影片剪辑(根).RTID.visible = FALSE;
              影片剪辑(根).SignIn.visible = FALSE;
              影片剪辑(根).gamemenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).biggamesmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).totaltextmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).tmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).smenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).optionsmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;

            图案= []; //清除用户阵列





求一些 FLASH 文字动画


    如果(dot.currentFrame 2)dot.play();仅在第一帧//播放

    pattern.push(dots.indexOf(点)+ 1); //加上鼠标模式在


    对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dots.length;我++)
        点[I] .removeEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,addPattern);
        点[I] .gotoAndStop(1); //返回到第一帧






        私人VAR lineContainer:形状=新形状();

        私人VAR点:数组= []; //存储的舞台影片剪辑
        私人VAR模式:数组= []; //由用户//输入的图案不使生活硬,只是存储索引的对象本身,而不是

            点= [一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九]; //在舞台中添加剪辑
            通过= [一,四,七,八,五,二,五] //正确的方式进行
            addChildAt(lineContainer,this.getChildIndex(1)); //该行容器后面的第一个点。

            VAR dotsLength:INT = dots.length;

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dotsLength;我++)
                点[I] .addEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,initiatePattern);
                点[I] .addEventListener(侦听MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopPattern); //您可以附加为`的this`而不是每个点,同样的结果

        / *添加一个鼠标监听器,并用它来点的号码添加到图案* /

            图案= []; //复位阵列
            lineContainer.graphics.clear(); //线条清晰

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dots.length;我++)
                点[I] .addEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,addPattern);

                    addPattern(E); //触发鼠标移到该元素

            //如果(pattern.indexOf(e.currentTarget)== -1){//包裹在这一点,如果statemnt如果只想要一个点被选择一次(如安卓)
                pattern.push(e.currentTarget); //加上鼠标模式在

                如果(dot.currentFrame 2)dot.play();仅在第一帧//播放

            lineContainer.graphics.clear(); //清除当前行
            lineContainer.graphics.lineStyle(5,为0xFF0000); //厚度(5像素)和行的颜色(红色)

             lineContainer.graphics.moveTo(模式[0] .X +模式[0] .WIDTH * 3.5,模式[0] .Y +模式[0] .height * .5); //移动到第一
         对于(VAR我:INT = 1; I< pattern.length;我++){
        lineContainer.graphics.lineTo(图案[我] .X +模式[I] .WIDTH * 5,图案[我] .Y +模式[I] .height * .5); //画一条线,以当前点



            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< dots.length;我++)
                点[I] .removeEventListener(的MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,addPattern);
                点[I] .gotoAndStop(1); //返回到第一帧


            VAR pLength:INT = pass.length;
            VAR正确:= 0;

            对于(VAR我:= 0; I< pLength;我++)//比较用户阵列中输入到通数组中的每个号码
                如果(通过[I] ==模式[I])

            如果(正确的== pLength)//如果数组比赛
              影片剪辑(根).LockScreen.visible = FALSE;
              影片剪辑(根).RTID.visible = FALSE;
              影片剪辑(根).SignIn.visible = FALSE;
              影片剪辑(根).gamemenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).biggamesmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).totaltextmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).tmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).smenu_mc.visible = TRUE;
              影片剪辑(根).optionsmenu_mc.visible = TRUE;

            图案= []; //清除用户阵列
            lineContainer.graphics.clear(); //清除行


So the other day I found a tutorial on how to create a pattern lock screen in action script. To do so I had to create a class, I have a good grasp on how the class is working. But I want to add an animation so when the user goes over the dots in the pattern and animation plays. But I have no idea how to do something like this through the class. Here is the code I used in my class.

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

    public class Main extends Sprite
        private var dots:Array = []; // Stores the in stage movieclips
        private var pattern:Array = []; //The pattern entered by the user
        private var pass:Array = [1,4,7,8,5,2,5]; //The correct pattern to proceed

        public function Main():void
            dots = [one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine]; //add the clips in stage

        private function addListeners():void //adds the listeners to each dot
            var dotsLength:int = dots.length;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < dotsLength; i++)
                dots[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, initiatePattern);
                dots[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopPattern);

        /* Adds a mouse over listener and uses it to add the number of the dot to the pattern */

        private function initiatePattern(e:MouseEvent):void
            var dotsLength:int = dots.length;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < dotsLength; i++)
                dots[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, addPattern);

            pattern.push(dots.indexOf(e.target) + 1); //adds the array index number of the clip plus one, because arrays are 0 based

        private function addPattern(e:MouseEvent):void
            pattern.push(dots.indexOf(e.target) + 1); //adds the pattern on mouse over

        private function stopPattern(e:MouseEvent):void //stops storing the pattern on mouse up
            var dotsLength:int = dots.length;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < dotsLength; i++)
                dots[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, addPattern);


        private function checkPattern():void //compares the patterns
            var pLength:int = pass.length;
            var correct:int = 0;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < pLength; i++) //compares each number entered in the user array to the pass array
                if (pass[i] == pattern[i])

            if (correct == pLength) //if the arrays match
              //Hides Sign In
              MovieClip(root).LockScreen.visible = false;
              MovieClip(root).RTID.visible = false;
              MovieClip(root).SignIn.visible = false;
              //Turns On Main Menu
              MovieClip(root).gamemenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).biggamesmenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).totaltextmenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).tmenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).smenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).optionsmenu_mc.visible = true;

            pattern = []; //clears the user array


Easiest way I can think to do this is:

inside your dot movie clip, put a stop() action on the first frame

create your animation on the dot timeline and on the last frame of the animation put another stop().

In your mouse over function, tell the dot to play.

private function addPattern(e:MouseEvent):void
    var dot:MovieClip = MovieClip(e.currentTarget);
    if(dot.currentFrame < 2) dot.play(); //play only if on the first frame

    pattern.push(dots.indexOf(dot) + 1); //adds the pattern on mouse over

Reset the dots animation

 private function stopPattern(e:MouseEvent):void //stops storing the pattern on mouse up
    for (var i:int = 0; i < dots.length; i++)
        dots[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, addPattern);
        dots[i].gotoAndStop(1); //go back to the first frame


Alternatively, if you're just want something simple like a layer of the dot fading in/out or the size of the dot increasing, you could just use a tweening library and tween the appropriate property on mouse over.

If you wanted to draw lines to connect the dots, you could do this:

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;
    import flash.display.Shape;

    public class Main extends Sprite

        private var lineContainer:Shape = new Shape();

        private var dots:Array = []; // Stores the in stage movieclips
        private var pattern:Array = []; //The pattern entered by the user //don't make life hard, just store the object itself instead of the index
        private var pass:Array;

        public function Main():void
            dots = [one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine]; //add the clips in stage
            pass = [one,four,seven,eight,five,two,five]; //The correct pattern to proceed
            addChildAt(lineContainer, this.getChildIndex(one)); //the line container right behind the first dot.

        private function addListeners():void //adds the listeners to each dot
            var dotsLength:int = dots.length;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < dotsLength; i++)
                dots[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, initiatePattern);
                dots[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopPattern); //you could attach this to `this` instead of each dot, same result

        /* Adds a mouse over listener and uses it to add the number of the dot to the pattern */

        private function initiatePattern(e:MouseEvent):void
            pattern = []; //reset array
            lineContainer.graphics.clear(); //clear lines

            for (var i:int = 0; i < dots.length; i++)
                dots[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, addPattern);

                    addPattern(e); //trigger the mouse over for this element

        private function addPattern(e:MouseEvent):void
            //if (pattern.indexOf(e.currentTarget) == -1) { //wrap in this if statemnt if only wanted a dot to be selected once (like Android)
                pattern.push(e.currentTarget); //adds the pattern on mouse over

                var dot:MovieClip = MovieClip(e.currentTarget);
                if(dot.currentFrame < 2) dot.play(); //play only if on the first frame

        private function drawLines():void {
            lineContainer.graphics.clear(); //clear the current lines
            lineContainer.graphics.lineStyle(5, 0xFF0000); //thickness (5px) and color (red) of the lines

             if (pattern.length > 1) { //don't draw if there aren't at least two dots in the pattern
             lineContainer.graphics.moveTo(pattern[0].x + pattern[0].width * .5, pattern[0].y + pattern[0].height * .5); //move to first
         for (var i:int = 1; i < pattern.length; i++) {
        lineContainer.graphics.lineTo(pattern[i].x + pattern[i].width * .5, pattern[i].y + pattern[i].height * .5); //draw a line to the current dot



        private function stopPattern(e:MouseEvent):void //stops storing the pattern on mouse up
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dots.length; i++)
                dots[i].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, addPattern);
                dots[i].gotoAndStop(1); //go back to the first frame


        private function checkPattern():void //compares the patterns
            var pLength:int = pass.length;
            var correct:int = 0;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < pLength; i++) //compares each number entered in the user array to the pass array
                if (pass[i] == pattern[i])

            if (correct == pLength) //if the arrays match
              //Hides Sign In
              MovieClip(root).LockScreen.visible = false;
              MovieClip(root).RTID.visible = false;
              MovieClip(root).SignIn.visible = false;
              //Turns On Main Menu
              MovieClip(root).gamemenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).biggamesmenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).totaltextmenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).tmenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).smenu_mc.visible = true;
              MovieClip(root).optionsmenu_mc.visible = true;

            pattern = []; //clears the user array
            lineContainer.graphics.clear(); //clear the lines



