德裕库 - 当我尝试改变光标移到图片...它不工作(从舞台精灵元素自败)当我、光标、它不、移到

由网友(深入、骨zI里)分享简介:我使用八哥做一个真的,真的,真的很简单的游戏 - 我只是想添加静止子画面的阶段......并使其使得当鼠标触摸精灵...游戏停止和得分被发送。我还没有尝试过实施则hitTest 还没有为碰撞,但我遇到了一种冲突的问题在哪里,当我注释掉线(S)是应该改变光标图像(见 Startup.as - stage.addE...

我使用八哥做一个真的,真的,真的很简单的游戏 - 我只是想添加静止子画面的阶段......并使其使得当鼠标触摸精灵...游戏停止和得分被发送。我还没有尝试过实施则hitTest 还没有为碰撞,但我遇到了一种冲突的问题在哪里,当我注释掉线(S)是应该改变光标图像(见 Startup.as - stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH,touchHandler); createCustomeCursor ),AvatarEnemy(实例见敌人在Game.as)做的事情应该和被放置在中心屏幕。当我在该行评论说,应该改变光标:一)。光标并没有改变,和b)的敌人精灵消失。当我注释掉了同样的思路 - 对敌人精灵重新出现(但显然,光标不工作 - 不,这是摆在首位的工作)。这究竟是为什么?我的code低于 - 有人提到一些有关不做事八哥之前被初始化here (一个问题,我问,这是precursor这一个) - 但我不知道他们的意思,因为它至少好像我所有的code是在正确的地方

I am using Starling to make a really, really, really easy game - I am just trying to add a stationary sprite to the stage...and make it so that when the mouse touches the sprite...the game "stops" and a score is sent. I haven't tried implementing hitTest yet for the collision, but I have run into a sort of conflict problem where, when I comment out the line(s) that is supposed to change the cursor image (see Startup.as - stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, touchHandler); and createCustomeCursor), the instance of AvatarEnemy (see enemy in Game.as) does what it should, and is placed in the center of the screen. When I comment in the line that is supposed to change the cursor: a). the cursor doesn't change, and b.) the enemy sprite disappears. When I comment out the same lines - the enemy sprite reappears (but obviously, the cursor doesn't work - not that it was working in the first place). Why is this happening? My code is below - someone mentioned something about not doing things before Starling is initialized here (a question I asked, which is a precursor to this one) - but I'm not sure what they meant because it at least seems like all my code is in the right place.



import Classes.AvatarEnemy;

import starling.display.Sprite;

    public class Game extends Sprite
        //private var juggler:Juggler = Starling.juggler;

        private var enemy:AvatarEnemy;

        public function Game() 
            enemy = new AvatarEnemy();


    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.geom.Point;

    import starling.core.Starling;
    import starling.events.Touch;
    import starling.events.TouchEvent;
    import starling.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.ui.MouseCursorData;
    import flash.ui.Mouse;

    [SWF(width="500", height="500", frameRate="30", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF")]
    public class Startup extends Sprite
        private var mStarling:Starling;

        private const Cursor:Class;

        public var cursor:DisplayObject;

        public function Startup()
            // Create a Starling instance that will run the "Game" class
            mStarling = new Starling(Game, stage);

            // These settings are recommended to avoid problems with touch handling
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, touchHandler);

        private function touchHandler(event:TouchEvent):void
            var touch:Touch = event.getTouch(cursor);
                    var localPos:Point = touch.getLocation(cursor);
                    trace("Touched object at position: " + localPos);

        public function createCustomCursor():void
            var cursorBitmaps:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>();
            cursorBitmaps.push((new Cursor() as Bitmap).bitmapData);

            var mouseCursorData:MouseCursorData = new MouseCursorData();
            mouseCursorData.data        = cursorBitmaps;
            mouseCursorData.frameRate   = 30;
            mouseCursorData.hotSpot     = new Point(0, 0);

            Mouse.registerCursor("customCursor", mouseCursorData);
            Mouse.cursor = "customCursor";

任何帮助将是很大的AP preciated(如果你需要的code(这是一个Adobe Flash Builder的4.7项目的副本 - 我做了一个混帐回购协议 - 只要你想要的链接)。

Any help would be greatly appreciated (if you need a copy of the code (it's an Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 project - I have made a git repo - just comment if you want the link).


我意识到我没有登记的图像作为光标 - 我更新了我的 Startup.as 文件,以反映变化(看看 createCustomCursor 功能) - 光标仍不能正常工作,那是应该出现的精灵依然没有出现

I realized I wasn't registering the image as the cursor - I updated my Startup.as file to reflect changes (take a look at createCustomCursor function) - the cursor still isn't working, and the sprite that is supposed to appear is still not appearing.

另外 - 以防万一你想看到 AvatarEnemy 是从哪里来的:

Also - just in case you want to see where AvatarEnemy is coming from:


package Classes
    import starling.display.Image;
    import starling.display.Sprite;
    import starling.textures.Texture;

    public class AvatarEnemy extends Sprite
        private static var Enemypic:Class;

        private var texture:Texture = Texture.fromBitmap(new Enemypic());

        private var image:Image = new Image(texture);

        public function AvatarEnemy() 
            image.x = 0;
            image.y = 200;



我解决了,为什么精灵消失了 - 我需要把八哥初始化code( mStarling.start() mStarling =新的八哥(游戏,舞台); )上面所有的 stage.something 行。我编辑code,以反映我在 Startup.as 一样。我还需要将光标虽然帮助。

I resolved why the sprite was disappearing - I needed to put the starling initialize code (mStarling.start() and mStarling = new Starling(Game, stage);) above all the stage.something lines. I edited code to reflect what I did in Startup.as. I still need help with the cursor though.



I have been practicing with your code and it all seems fine, but ive been using a different image, so that must be the problem.


Make sure the size of the image is below 32x32, thats the max size of an cursor image, otherwise the OS won't accept it.


