
由网友(风吹屁屁凉)分享简介:我目前有上找出故障什么先进设备,先进/获取当前登录的登录名用户在我的应用标准的解决方案。通过登录,我的意思是(Windows)中-Username登录正在使用applciation在客户端上。这将在Intranet环境中运行的。i'm currently having trouble on finding out w...


i'm currently having trouble on finding out what the state-of-the-art/standard-solution for getting the login-name of the currently signed on user in my application. By login, i mean the (Windows)-Username logged on on the client that is using the applciation. It will run only in an intranet environment.


I'm using a Windows Server Environment, using Glassfish for deploying my JSF2-Application.

我发现至今都关于华夫格,JCIFS和SPNEGO建议。所有我能找到关于华夫格和Glassfish似乎是要么出日期的,或不能再找到。难道我只是搜索错了,还是有真的没有教程如何配置WAFFLE与Glassfish的使用? JCIFS,至于我读不支持了。 SPNEGO有一个教程Glassfish的,但说实话,我不能跟着它,无法reporduce所有步骤。很显然,在验证机制的一些背景知识 - 我没有 - 将是有益的。

What i found so far are suggestions regarding WAFFLE, jCIFS and SPNEGO. All i could find out about WAFFLE and Glassfish seems to be either out of date, or can't be found anymore. Did i just search wrong or are there really no "tutorials" how to configure WAFFLE for use with Glassfish? jCIFS, as far as i read isn't supported anymore. SPNEGO has a tutorial for Glassfish, but to be honest, i couldn't follow it and wasn't able to reporduce all the steps. Obviously, some background knowledge on authentication mechanisms - which i don't have - would be helpful.


So now i'm hoping, since most information i found about this topic is at least 1,5 years old, that since then something new has come up to solve my problem. If not, then what would be your suggestions? Since i've written some PHP-Apps (Running on Apache) before where i was able to get the username by the REMOTE_USER server-variable i thought about calling my JSF-App through Apache and passing the username that way. Could that also be an option? Of course, if i had the choice, i would prefer a JavaEE-Solution...



对于Java EE,让登录的用户:

For Java EE, get the logged in user:

在EL:#{request.remoteUser} 使用JSF API: FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()getExternalContext()getRemoteUser(); 从HttpServletRequest的: getUserPrincipal() getRemoteUser() 使用注射: @Inject主要负责人; In EL: #{request.remoteUser} Using JSF API: FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRemoteUser(); From HttpServletRequest: getUserPrincipal() and getRemoteUser() Using injection: @Inject Principal principal;

