如何单元测试对Active Directory中的NextPasswordChangeDate功能单元测试、功能、Directory、Active

由网友(在劫难逃)分享简介:我在一个项目中工作使用Active Directory,深入。我设置了几个单元测试对AD几件事情,其中​​一些我实现用嘲笑的对象,其中一些我实现通过对AD真正的电话。I am working on a project using the Active Directory, intensively. I set up...

我在一个项目中工作使用Active Directory,深入。我设置了几个单元测试对AD几件事情,其中​​一些我实现用嘲笑的对象,其中一些我实现通过对AD真正的电话。

I am working on a project using the Active Directory, intensively. I set up a few unit tests for several things against the AD, some of which I achieve using mocked objects, some which I achieve through real calls against the AD.


As one of the functions of my project, I have to retrieve a so called "user profile". This user profile consists mostly of simple attributes, like "cn", "company", "employeeid", etc. However, one property that I am trying to fill is not a simple one "NextPasswordChangeDate".


To the best of my knowledge, the only way to get this, is by getting the domain policy's maxPwdAge and use this information together with pwdLastSet.


Now my question: How can I unit test this in an intelligent way? I came up with three options, all of which are not great:

使用我自己的帐户作为搜索的帐户,发现通过其他途径和c很难$ C $在单元测试的日期。通过这种方式,我可以单元测试我的code不错,但每个月,我必须要改变的单元测试,因为我改变了我的密码。 使用具有密码永不过期设置一些帐户。这是一种毫无意义的,因为我真的不能由测试我的code是正确的。 使用一个模拟对象,并确保正确的API调用发生。该选项允许测试函数的行为的正确性,但随后的测试逻辑其实是在单元测试,所以我不能肯定,这是做正确的事,即使测试通过。


Which of the three do you suggest? Or maybe you have a better option?



Since 1 and 2 the rely on AD existing and having known values seem more like integration tests to me.


I generally take the side that any non-deterministic behavior should be interfaced out and mocked if possible (#3). As you noted this will always leave an amount of real implementation code that is not unit-testable, but would then be covered by your integration tests running against a known AD system.



